4D3N Krabi Budget Trip Video

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

My best friends and I

I just uploaded Krabi video weeeee. Feel free to watch and drop some comments if you have anything to say. And yes, do subscribe my YouTube channel for more upcoming videos! 

What do you guys think about this video? Tell me!


  1. wow Dylla.. best2.. eheh akak ada buat video gak tapi tah..
    asyik x puas hati.. x upload2 haha.

    1. Saya masih tunggu video Kak Siti, mesti lagi best! Hehe

    2. bhahaha Dylla.. x de kekuatan nak upload lagi wakaka..
      kekuaaatan k =D

    3. Semoga cepat lah ada kekuatan! Tak sabarrrr hehehe

  2. Hari tu pun pergi Bamboo Island. memang best gilaaa Taktipuu. Haha. Seriusly, Nice. Rasa macam dah keluar dari dunia reality buat sementara waktu. Malangnya kena terima hakikat kena hadap jugak reality after that hahahha

    1. Haha air sana jernihhhh. Rasa nak berenang sana sini hehe


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