Wedding Series Ep2: Pre-Engagement - The Preparation, One Thing Ayah Really Disliked

Assalamualaikum and hi everyone!

I hope you guys had a good day today. It was a great day for me, Alhamdulillah. My husband just got his permanent placement result and turned out he got the hospital that I'm planning to work at, Alhamdulillah. I'm so so so grateful. Thank you for everyone who keeps us in your prayer. Only Allah can repay your kindness :')  

Alright, we have come to the second episode weeee. I'm gonna talk about the preparation of our engagement and how ayah disliked that ONE thing I did. Totally disliked, kalau boleh tak nak pandang and rasa segan kalau orang tahu haha. I feel embarrassed as well, but I decided to post it here as a memory, gituuu. What is it? Tungguuuu. 

This post is gonna have 4 subheadings on how I prepared my engagement.

1. How did I start? Where did I start? 

The preparation started right after we'd decided on the engagement date. I did some research and from there I came up with an engagement to-do-list (will share with you guys in the next post, InshaaAllah!). Typical Ardilla semua benda nak list, dari sekolah sampai sekarang haha. Ayah and Ibu handled catering, while I settled the rest. I tried my best to save as much as I can, opting for the cheaper-but-still-nice option hehe. 

And not to forget, I also cleaned up my study room! It's called study room though I never used that room to study haha. If you read my post entitled Konmari: Don't Judge My Room, you'd definitely surprise looking at the before and after photos. Yelah, dari bilik cam tongkang pecah terus kemas sebutir habuk pun takde hehe. 

2. The only shop I went for outfit hunting (20th of August 2019)

My best friends were so supportive; Babyboos gave me a few suggestions from where I could find my outfit and I asked Tiara if she could accompany me and she immediately said yes! She even offered me to have a sleepover at her house since I came from Melaka. So segannnnn, especially with Aunty Dewi and Uncle Mazua hehe thank you Aunty and Uncle.

I already eyed a few shops and planned to buy a pastel pink baju kurung. I fetched Tiara from Putrajaya and we went to the first shop. I straight away picked up the clothes that I wanted and tried it. It fitted perfectly. Suddenly I saw another baju kurung with the same design but in baby blue and it looked nicer on me! Tiara sent a few photos of me to Ibu and both of them said that the blue one was nicer. 

I paid and we left. Phew, that wasn't so hard, Alhamdulillah! 

Here's a shameless selfie of me hehe 

3. Sobri bought the engagement ring in Mydin?! (15th of August 2019)

Sobri works in JB, so we only met once before the engagement, which was 4 days after The Awkward Meeting haha. It was in the afternoon when he reached Melaka. Semangat tak tahu kenapa, I already surveyed a few halls and we went to this one hall, where Elfira Loy's wedding took place to have a look. By the time we left, it was already 6pm. 

We didn't have much time so I told Sobri let's find my ring in Mydin. He was surprised. He forgot that Mydin Melaka bukan biasa biasa haha kidding. One of Habib Jewel branches is in Mydin and there were a few other jewellery shops as well. 

Sobri preferred me wearing a gold ring, but white gold captivated my heart. I told him that I would wear a gold ring during nikah, so he bought me the white gold. Yeay win-win hehe. Win-win apanya, Sobri yang belikan padahal -.-

4. Hantaran preparation and decoration 

I volunteered to settle all components other than catering. Thinking of saving more money, I decided to decorate the hantaran from scratch by myself. Sobri and I came to a conclusion to have hantaran of 7 berbalas 5, which means I will have to prepare 7 hantaran for Sobri. 

Ayah disliked this ONE hantaran that I decorated, sampai yang hantaran lain before this ayah suka pun terus ada je yang macam tak kena haha. It was not my fault. I'd tried my best *buat muka kesian*. But to be honest, looking back at that ONE hantaran I decorated, I felt embarrassed as well. Luckily Sobri and his family accepted as it was hehe. 

Beriya okay I prepare hantaran for Sobri. Habis sepah ruang tamu kat office ayah haha. 

Gonna show you guys something really embarrassing. Okay amaran, jangan gelak! Hahaha. I did try my best okay. I really did. And here comes the ONE that ayah disliked the MOST. Taraaaaa!

Hahahaha. Yes it was ugly. I don't know what did I think at that time. Maybe I thought it was cool to tabur tabur all the chocolates inside the dulang to make it looked A LOT. Yes, it looked a lot.. hmmm A LOT messy haha. 

One thing for sure, ayah told me to never decorate any hantaran and will make sure I hire someone who's really creative next time. Creative as in memang disahkan kreatif tanpa perlu tabur coklat haha. 

In my next post, I'll share with you guys my engagement-to-do list and probably some tips here and there so see you guys there! 

P/s: Have any of you guys ever decorated hantaran before? 
Any idea on how to decorate mini chocolates like that? 

Previous Wedding Series: 


  1. Assalamualaikum ... wah, cantik.. simple but nice... buat sendiri baru puas hati, + tanda penghargaan. done follow #760

  2. ur dad so cute la.. dia komen ur dulang tu haaha..
    selalunya kan ayah ayah ni dia tak kisah sangat things like that.. after all semuanya kenangan and now kalau u ingat2 balik mesti gelak2 kan..

    1. Haha tulah. Bila borak balik pasal ni mesti gelak sbb ayah memang segan gila masa tunang tu hahaha

  3. Good efforts! Tahniah! Memang biasa orang buat hantaran sendiri. Okay je tu :)


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