4D3N Krabi Budget Trip (Day 1 Part 1) - The Arrival

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. 

Krabi always reminds me of the Cabi Song (Caribbean Bay CF) by SNSD and 2PM. Zaman kpop dedulu haha. This trip had been planned a few months ago. The reason why I kinda 'disappeared' the past few days was because I went to Krabi with my friends, Sobri, Audi and Marni. We already booked our flight tickets a month before the trip, which costed each of us RM198. By the way, I'll update about Krabi first, then I'll update about Terengganu okay? To make everything clearer and easier for you guys to plan, I'll write a summary of the full Krabi itinerary altogether with the budget and some tips that might be useful for you. So stay tuned!

Back to the story. As our boarding time was in the morning, we decided to overnight in the airport. Instead of sleeping in the surau like I always did whenever I had a morning flight, we spent the night at McDonalds together. We stayed up until the next morning by having a nice chit chat after a long time not meeting each other. Nak tidur takut terlepas flight so ended up became zombies till the sun rose haha.

We boarded the flight around 7.00am and arrived at the Krabi Airport around 7.30am (Thailand time). Thailand is 1 hour late compared to Malaysia. After we passed the immigration, we stopped at the taxi counter and booked a taxi. The fare for bus ticket was 150baht per person, while for the taxi was 600baht per taxi (150baht per person for the four of us). We have to pay the same amount for either one, but taxi is more comfortable than the bus. So, we chose to ride in the taxi and paid 600baht at the counter before following a guy to his van. I don't know if they call a van as 'taxi', but yes, it was a van.

Halfway to our hotel, the van stopped in front of a tour packages agency. A man came out from the agency and promoted to us about the packages that his company had. Luckily I had been warned by a friend of mine, Syark, to not book any packages when the taxi / van stops as we can get the same tour package at a much cheaper price later either at the hotel or tour agencies along the beach.

We arrived Ao Nang after a 45-minute journey from the airport and instantly checked in our rooms at the Luna House. I already booked the hotel about 2 weeks before using booking.com. Our (Me, Audi and Marni) room was a triple room, which was situated downstairs (1300baht per night), while Sobri's room was a double-without-window room (790baht per night) on the upstairs. We had to wait for about 30 mins while they cleaned the room.

After taking a bath and changing our clothes, we started walking to the beach, which was said to be 10 minutes away. To be honest, I felt it like 20 minutes away. Jauh pulak rasa haha.

We were planning to kayak, but unfortunately the sea was quite rough that evening. So, we booked kayaking for the last day of our stay here and paid a deposit of 600baht. The price for this kayaking package was 1600baht (400baht per person). The kayaking agency where we booked is located in front of a massage parlor (as in the photo below). We booked a taxi from Luna House back to airport from this agency also.

We hadn't eaten since yesternight. Before we continued searching for other packages, we decided to have a lunch at the Bamboo Restaurant, nearby our stay place. This restaurant is halal, and most of them can speak Malay language with Kelantanese slang. I ordered tomyam fried rice with prawn (59baht) and a glass of (terlebih manis) iced tea (39baht). The tomyam fried rice with prawn tasted so-so, but the normal fried rice Sobri bought was nice. Rasa tomyam tak kaw sangat hm ke sebab nasi tomyam memang tak rasa sangat haha.

Ada lah 2 ekor udang tersembunyi dalam nasi ni

While we were on our way to the beach, we found another tour package agency (Krabi Hussuna Travel & Tour), just a few shop lots away. The average price for phi phi tour is 1000baht, but after negotiating, we got 900baht, excluded the 400baht for the National Park fee, which will be explained later. We asked for the price of the Hot Springs, Emerald Pool and Elephant Trekking package. 'twas 900baht per person also, included lunch. I tried to nego the price to 800baht, but she refused our proposal on the grounds that the lunch is provided as well. Tak cukup lagi ilmu tawar menawar from ibu ayah ni haha. Then I asked if we can get 700baht, but with no lunch. She agreed. We paid an amount of 2800baht as the deposit.

I only brought my sneakers to Krabi. Sneakers are definitely not suitable for the activities that we would do. Along the roadside to the beach, there are a few shops selling fake Crocs, so I decided to stop by and buy a pair of the fake Crocs at 200baht. I wonder where is the beach.. It was a really, really long walk haha ponat eden.

Finally, we arrived at the beach. Not to complain, but the weather was really hot that evening and I wonder how could they stand sunbathing while reading under the scorching heat. Takpe depa putih. Cheq ni kalau berjemuq terus sunburn teruk. Yang tak berjemur ni pun dah sunburn haha. Sobri as usual, he entered the sea with his polo shirt and a pair of jeans. Pun boleh. Beach boy katanya -.-

Spent 40 minutes on the beach before going back to the hotel by a tuktuk. Tuktuk is a traditional three-wheeled transport in Thailand. We paid a total of 120baht (30baht per person). My first experience riding on a tuktuk ended up dropping my camera lens cover on the road. Ada tak orang jual cover lens je haha rasa nak marah dengan diri sendiri sebab pi gatal tangan nak ambil gambar konon eee.

We arrived Luna House at 2.30pm (local time) and planned to go to the night market in Krabi Town at 5.30pm. Sempat lah golek golek tidur kejap.

Will be continued..


  1. Patutlah hilang..dah lama nak pegi krabi, tp xsampai sampai .. ngeee

  2. wah patutlah hilang, gi krabi rupanya dia hikhik. seronoknya akakkk!!!! bilalah fieyqa nak sampai krabi ni huwaaa TT___TT cantik-cantik lak tu gambar. ni guna kamera yg haritu ke? ><

    1. Sekali sekala je cuti tu pasai kena cuti betul betul hahah. Haah most gambar guna camera beli haritu :)

  3. Cantiknya pemandangan kat sana. Mesti best kan? Hehe

  4. teringin nak pergi Krabi ni, tp belum berkesempatan lagi.

  5. Alalallalallala.. seronoknyaa. Teringin naknp krabi

  6. ohhh percutian bajet. ok la kan. dapat jugak merasa jalan2 ke tempat orang. akak belum lagi la buat masa ni. nak bercuti tak boleh nak bajet sgt sebab ada anak. kena utamakan keselesaan dan perut anak dulu huuuu

    1. Haah student lagi bajet pun sikit je hehe. Takpe Kak Kira nanti Uwais besar sikit and yang dalam perut dah lahir pergi lah bercuti, InshaaAllah! :D

    2. Betul tu.. Ada anak memang terbatas sikit nak jejalan

  7. 4 hari 3 mlm di Krabi dah kira mencukupi tau..tak perlu lelama nanti bosan

  8. assalamualaikum, hi! nak tanya, you guys amik package apa ya?

    1. Sorry sesangat because saya tak ingat ambil package daripada agent mana. Tapi saya cari area Ao Nang Beach lah yang pasti :)


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