An Appreciation Post For Sobri

Assalamualaikum warahamtullahi wabarakatuh. 

I am a girl who easily backs off when something goes wrong. I have a kind of mindset that when I do something wrong, I shall stop and go back to A, even if I almost arrived at the Zee. And this careless girl named Dylla has a guy friend who is really kind and patient named Sobri. 

I feel so grateful to have this one guy in my life. Like I once answered when someone asked me in my "Is sobri your future?", I don't know how my future will be like as I'm neither a crystal gazer nor a fortune teller, but what I know is, he's my present and if He wills, he will be my future as well. This isn't a monthsary or an anniversary or a whatever-sweet-cheesy post. It's just a sincerely written post from my heart as a token of appreciation for someone who is really precious to me and has sacrificed a lot throughout our friendship and relationship. 

Sobri and another friend of mine, Marsaid helped me a lot this morning. I have to move out to a new house for next semester, so basically every single thing I own has to be brought to the new house as we have to return the old house keys by this Friday. I am so lucky to have these 2 guys to help me because my stuff was really really really a lot. I couldn't do it alone. A big thank to both of you for spending your valuable time to help me. 

We went for lunch after the house clearing session and I told Sobri to send me to the Terminal Bersepadu Selatan, from where I always take the bus to Melaka. After 40 minutes of drama directed by me with Sobri as the co-director, Sobri decided to send me to Melaka by car. Despite of the dramas and my mengada-ness, Sobri patiently overcame the situation and handled it carefully, trying to take care of my feelings. 

He made mistakes. I made mistakes. 

We are perfectly imperfect human beings and mistakes are there for us to learn and take them as a guide in the future. Sobri, if you read this, I would like to thank you for sending me back to Melaka safe and sound. Thank you for everything you have done for me. Thank you for these few years. Thank you for your patience. Thank you for being a great companion. Thank you for lending me your ears. Thank you for making things easy. Thank you for being a second home to me. 

I would definitely try my best to become a better person. Sorry banyak songeh. Counting for more years and songehs together. Have a safe flight back to Jordan. LDR is not easy, but living life without each other is even harder. Acehhh *muntah rainbow*

P/s: Post ini ditulis dengan pengetahuan Ibu tersayang haha.


  1. indahnya bila ada yang menjaga kan? hehehe dylla, aie tag dylla untuk post merapu. :p

  2. lupa nak bagi link

    1. saya baru perasan tak follow! Nasib baik beritahu. Thank you :)

  3. It is nice to have someone that always there through thick and thin, right? Hehehe

  4. sweetnya akak :') jauh ye dia study kat jordan rupanya huhu T_T semoga dipanjangkan jodoh hihi

    1. Tak lah biasa je. Tak sweet pun haha. InshaaAllah amin :)

  5. moga dipermudahkan ye dik. moga jodoh berpanjangan. jarak jauh hanyalah jarak semata :)

  6. sweet..Sobri baca tak entri ni

  7. Kihkihkih akak suka baca the last part! Tang p/s tuh! Comelll :)

    1. Ibu Dylla memang banyak tahu, baru lah persahabatan direstui gitu hehe

  8. lori gula tumbang plaks kat sini! KAHKAHKAH.


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