8 Study Tips

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

How fast a month could leave us.. Hmm time flies really fast. Rasa macam banyak lagi benda tak buat; book reviews, new recipes, habiskan novel Eleanor & Park. Even report untuk Community Project pun tak siap ha ha ha okay tak lawak, baru teringat tak siap homework aiyo. 

Anyway, today I'm going back to Vista and continue my life as a medical student. New system to be learned (Cardiovascular System), new PBL, Clinical and MMS group mates etc. To be honest, I'm not really good at starting a conversation. Well, it depends actually. Kalau rasa nak bercakap memang bercakap non stop but if rasa selesa tak bercakap haaa memang bisu terus haha.

I'm quite nervous. Nervous with everything. I have to plan a brand new strategy on how to study. Not that the techniques I used before wasn't good, it's just that.. I feel like I need a new one hehe. Ya Allah, baru teringat tak ambil lagi result sem lepas. Itu lah siapa suruh IMU tak release result online je, kan dah lupa terus pasal result :p 

Here are some study tips that become part of my plan (which still as a plan, tak mampu consistently buat lagi):

1.  Skim all informations before lecture starts. 
Scan the material and identify the major headings and subheadings. Take some time to memorise them. Ingat apa tajuk tajuk yang lecturer akan ajar kat depan so that kita sentiasa alert. Pre-lecture work should not be more than 10mins/lecture. Sekejap je because sometimes kalau belajar benda baru of course lah kita tak berapa nak faham semua benda kan? So takde lah kita buang masa lama sangat try untuk fahamkan something sampai tak sempat nak study other things. This was what happened to me in the previous semester. Konon nak study before and after lectures tp sebab tak faham time baca before lecture, tak sempat pula nak study after lecture. 

2.  Take note to any definitions and equations. 
Highlight them so that you can memorise them more easy. And for any words that you don't understand, find the meaning straight away. So time lecture takde lah timbul isu tak faham makna word tu ke apa. Unless if the term is a medical term (in my case is medical term), even the dictionary doesn't have the word, then tak perlu lah. Time lecture nanti tanya lecturer :)

3.  Jot down additional notes during lecture.
This is one of the most crucial parts. Certain things you won't get in the lecture notes. So this is what you have to do during the lecture. Emphasise on any comments made by lecturer. Usually I jot down almost everything what lecturers say. Yes everything which is not in the lecture note. Oh mengantuk tu isu biasa, even time before spm dulu haaa muka ni juga lah yang selalu tertidur dalam kelas haha. Bring a lot of water to class. Bila mengantuk je minum air. Kalau still mengantuk, pergi lah toilet and cuci muka hehe. 

4.  Re-study the lecture note. 
Don't procrastinate! Yes, we don't have to study 24/7, nanti boleh jadi gila tapi jangan lah sampai membuang masa 24/7. Take control of yourself. Focus on what you're studying. Set masa, maybe after 1 hour of solid reading then take a break for 10 minutes ke. You can take frequent breaks but be careful not to take a break too soon. Baru study 5 minit dah pergi scroll instagram, twitter apa semua (noted to myself too hehehe). 

5.  Put away all gadgets. 
Campak jauh-jauh semua gadget. Okay sometimes you can't because maybe you have to use Google, Wikipedia etc. But make sure you don't open any other things that unrelated to what you're revising. Kalau memang tak payah guna gadgets haaa off semua wifi and letak jauh-jauh. Susah kalau dah buka instagram ke twitter time study, tengok tengok 2 jam berlalu hahaha ada je tangan nak buat itu ini. 

6. Keeping up.
Make sure yourself are 'up-to-date'. Hmm I think I wanna set a goal of reviewing 3 lecture notes per day. Maybe it's kinda difficult to keep up all the times, yelah takkan nak study 24/7 kan but try as best as you can. Kalau rasa macam terlupa apa yang belajar semalam, haa cepat cepat pi selak balik and ingatkan. 

7.  Manage time wisely.
Tetiba for this sem rasa macam nak buat jadual lah acece. Just a simple one. Every Sundays, write a to-do-list for the upcoming week. For each day, bahagi 2; 1 bahagian for homework and studying stuffs (including revising, re-studying, siapkan assignments etc) and the other part for my personal thingy. This is one way to keep up. 

8.  Organise your things.
This is something that I'd done for the past semester and will continue for upcoming years. Dylla tak nak beratkan bag and because I have minor OCD haha. I'll always make sure my things are organised.  As for example, I have a file which I put all of the lecture notes for the whole week. Every weekend, I'll take out the notes that have been taught and put them into another file. Make sure you always know where you put your things so that when you need them, takdelah baru nak kelam-kabut cari. 

Cukup lah setakat ni. But lain orang lain cara study. Dylla pun baru nak try consistent dengan 8 tips ni. Some are fast learners and some are slow learners. Dylla sendiri slow learner. Time lecture tu focus macam mana pun mesti ada juga yang tak ingat sangat. Ada kawan Dylla tersengguk pun boleh ingat semua benda haha. Tapi jangan risau, itu tak bermakna kita tak pandai. Cuma kita kena usaha lebih sikit untuk capai apa yang kita nak. Rezeki masing-masing, kan Allah swt dah tentukan :)

Sini ada sedikit pesanan dari penaja (iaitu Dylla sendiri hahaha), memang lah kita kena study study and study tapi that's not a good reason to ignore our responsibilities. Time study, kita study. Time makan, kita makan. Time tidur, kita tidur. Time masa dengan keluarga, kita betul-betul spend time dengan keluarga. Sesekali dengan keluarga, takkan kita nak baca buku time ibu ayah bercakap dengan kita kan? 

And yang paling penting, for Muslims, time beribadah kita buat betul betul. Dulu time zaman jahil terlebih sikit, Dylla selalu fikir "Kalau aku solat cepat-cepat nanti aku boleh study lagi cepat." Astaghfirullahalazim. Over sangat study sampai lupa tanggungjawab kat dunia ni sebagai seorang hamba. Lepas tu baru Dylla tersedar, "Sama juga. Kalau aku cepatkan solat then study, macam mana kalau apa yang aku belajar tu tak masuk?" Selalu ingatkan diri, kalau kita luangkan masa untuk Allah swt dan beribadah dengan tekun, InshaaAllah masa study, apa yang kita buat akan dipermudahkan. And untuk pengetahun semua, beribadah is one way to take a break. Time beribadah lah kita boleh tenangkan hati, lupa kan sekejap pasal duniawi. Then bila dah tenang baru sambung urusan kita, tak rasa ke macam lagi best? Hehe. 

Okay nak kemas barang. Nak balik KL wuaaaaa. Ada masa free Dylla akan update, tata semua!


  1. good tips nih..leh jadi guide kepada yg masih study

  2. Tips yg berguna & praktikal utk students amalkan. Paling penting kena ikhlas dlm tuntut ilmu :)

  3. alamak.. rasa macam kembali ke kuliah bace tips2 ni..

  4. gud luck dear, tapi kalau kita solat awal kan kita akan rasa masa yang kita nak gunakan untuk study tu panjanggggggg sangat ;)

  5. as'salam...
    nice tips..mmg digunakan mse yaya stdy dulu jugak..hehe

  6. Salam,
    senarai pemenang segmen www.sitisharini.com telah diupdate kat entry yang sama dengan segmen.
    Thanks for joining=))

    n good luck for ur studies..

  7. saya sejak final year ni dh xtahu nak study mcm mana😂😂*final year syndrome* maybe.good luck dylla💪💪💪


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