Annual Grand Meeting MCS 2015
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Konon nak post this entry 2 days ago but unfortunately my busy schedule prevented me from typing, acece busy lah sangat. Anyway lets jump directly to today's topic. So what's up with AGM MCS? Okay actually AGM stands for Annual General Meeting, while MCS stands for Malay Culture Society. Annual General Meeting basically mcm nak isytiharkan the new high committees so that it will be easier in future if members kenal siapa HiComs. And paling penting ada free food! Ye Dylla ye, dari haritu tak habis habis dengan free food hehe who doesn't like free food right? :p
Dylla macam sibuk lah juga hari Isnin time AGM ni berlangsung. Pagi tu ada CSU (Clinical Skills Unit) pukul 8am. History taking pun sangkut sangkut lagi sebab belum study diseases and symptoms. It is not easy I tell you. While jotting down the chief complaint you must already have all expected diagnosis and symptoms in your mind. Takpe Dylla, you can do this! Plus bila depan a group of people, Dylla tend to fikir nak tanya apa kat patient and kurang confidence :/ Bila makan confident terlebih pulak hahaha. Anyway after CSU, Dylla ada PBL (Problem Based Learning). Dapat 1 issue and kena discuss tu case pasal apa etc. Then ada kelas and CBL (Case Based Learning). Time kelas tu memang dah tak tahan, kepala macam biasa dah jadi roller coaster haha teruk betul perangai. Nasib dah baca dulu so alhamdulillah boleh lah jugak masuk telinga eventho tersengguk-sengguk hehe.
AGM started at 8pm. At first macam risau lah takut pula event ni hambar krik krik but syukur ramai juga yang support and hadir malam tu. Cara nak invite; "Food provided! Tak payah fikir nak dinner apa" haha. This AGM was the first event handled by us, the new high committees of MCS, alhamdulillah everything went well on that day. Looking forward to more upcoming events in future.
Here is a video made by Nisa and I which was showed to the audiences on that day. Enjoy! Saja nak acah pandai buat video hehe.
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Belanja candid satu hehe |
P/s: Low quality bcs Blogger didn't allow me to upload video more than 100mb tsktsk.
Till here guys! :)
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