Throwback Italy (Day 4 Part 1) - Villa D'este

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Hope everyone's doing fine today! 

(15th June 2010, Tuesday)

It was our fourth day in Italy.
We went to Villa de Este.
Here are some facts about the villa, jangan tertidur pula baca haha.
Ni semua tulis time tour guide tengah explain okay *flip hair* rajin kan kan?
Kena lah rajin bcs kena penuhkan booklet hehehe :p

Geng Bas Sekolah

Meet Eduardo

The Villa d'Este is a villa in Tivoli, near Rome, Italy.
Listed as a UNESCO world heritage site, it is a fine example of Renaissance architecture and the Italian Renaissance garden.
There are many fountains in the villa; sekecil-kecil semut sampai lah sebesar-besar gunung (okay over lah tu. Haha!)
Some of the fountains are Oval Fountain, 100 Fountain, Fountain of The Dragon, Fountain of Neptune, Owl Fountain and Rometta Fountain.

Jap jap, selingan gadis payung sat hehe

The Oval Fountain is the main fountain there.
The fountain carries and transfers water from Aniene River to the other fountains there.

The Oval Fountain

Najja and I

'The Hundred Fountains' is a fountain that has the face of a man.
The tour guide told us that the man was a person who loves something beautiful such as poems and others.

In front of The Hundred Fountains (Le Cento Fontane)

Najiha and I

The Fountain of Owl has 2 olive trees.
There are 20 fake birds.
The birds were used to attract other birds.

Fountain of Owl

And the last fountain is Rometta Fountain.
Rometta Fountain shows a little bit of Rome.
There's a statue of a fox with two babies, Romulus and Rimo.
The statue of a woman shows the ‘Rome’.
The ship inside Rometta Fountain is a symbol of Tribelina Island.

Najja, Caterina and I

One of my fav UNESCO teachers; Ms Adzu

Fountain of Neptune

Fountain of The Dragons

Such a breathtaking view!
This place is beyond gorgeous esp for those who loveeee nature! (Like me hehe)
I really recommend this place for a family vacation as it is really worth it.

The end of Day 4 (Part 1)

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  1. Wow lawanya fountain tuuu. Akak belajar luar negara ye? :D

  2. cantiknyaa . best dapat jumpe omputih . huhuu

  3. kemain banyak berjenis2 haaa fountain dia

  4. banyak nyeee jenis fountain.. best. suka yang ada kapal tu..
    tapi yg mnarik mata akak adalah cardigan hijau itu.. cantik =D

  5. Cantik-cantiklah pemandangan kat situ... Syoknya berpeluang ke sana ;)

  6. fountain of dragon yg nmpak mcm real kan? isk2.. mcm yg dlm movie tu


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