Tembak Orang Semasa Tahun Baru

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Tembak orang? Haa really? Yesss no kidding. Tembak guna LASER GUN muehehehehe ok hambar -.- Haha so this was how I spent my new year. Nani, Syahid, Ridzuan and I decided to have a small gathering, acewah mini reunion for INTIans gituuu but unfortunately Mirash couldn't join us bcs she had something to do. Ridzuan fetched each one of us kat tempat masing masing; IMU, UM and Shah Alam. Nasib lah ada yang sudi ambil, kalau tak.. tsk tsk sad story haha. Few days before Nani had booked a slot for 4 of us at the Escape Room weee~ Sorang-sorang newbie noob first timer haa semua lah. At least if anyone asks us, we can tell them how the Escape Room looks like. Disebabkan ada masa lapang yang agak banyak before pergi Escape Room, we went to the the Laser Warzone first. Sampai-sampai je orang yang in charge kat situ terus suruh pakai jacket and ambil pistol. Baru acah acah nak team dengan Syahid and lawan Nani Ridzuan tapi...