Geli Tak Pegang Gamat?

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Geli ke tak pegang gamat? Haaa sabauuu (Orang Melaka R jadi U haha), baca sampai habis. Never thought of holding a 'gamat' before. In fact, tak pernah terfikir boleh jumpa gamat depan mata! Selalu ingat pergi Langkawi je boleh jumpa gamat haha noob. So where can you hold a gamat other than pulau-pulau and pantai? Oceanarium in The Shore, Melaka! (Promote Melaka jap haha) The Shore? Oceanarium? Apa minah ni cakap ni. Haha but to be honest I myself didn't know bout this place before. The Shore is actually a new shopping mall. A shopping mall in a hotel err I guess so. Seronok ada gang discover new places ni, luckily Ummi pun cuti juga today hehe. Pusing punya pusing dengan Ummi cari The Shore and finally we arrived at that place. Oceanarium (at 2nd floor, in front of DIY) ni lebih kurang macam Aquaria KLCC. They have fish turtles fish turtles okay banyak lah lain. Oh oh and gamat! After buying tickets, the...