Playing With Electric

This post is written on 18th April 2016. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. No Monday Blues for me as I slept early on the night before, as usual haha. Woke up and got ready early this morning as I thought the practical session for my group was at 8, until Fatin told us in the WhatsApp group that the timetable in IMU portal states 8.30am. Today's practical was about nerve (urat saraf) conduction. Sanaa and I arrived quite late this morning (bangun awal pun sampai still tak awal haha) and we made our own group of 2. Later, Bryan joined us. First part, we had to draw the median nerve using a stick of green coloured wax-like-crayon. Here's a picture showing the median nerve. As you can see, the median nerve supplies the first three fingers (from the thumb). So, basically everything about the movement, pain etc is related to the median nerve. (Boring nya Dylla ni tunjuk pasal urat saraf pula . . .) Haha wait a second, the interesting part is yet to come. ...