Graduation Day

Life can be so amazing, isn't it? Assalamualaikum and hi guys! I'm back! I've been delaying to publish this post but god knows how much I'd tried to start typing. It seems that words don't come easily to me nowadays. Blame my lazy bum. I should have read more books. Anyway if you read my blog post entitle "FINALLY, A DOCTOR" , you'd probably know that I passed my final pro exam! Alhamdulillah! Finally after 5 years guys. 5 years, not included the 1.5 years of A-Level. It was such a long journey. I know it's just the beginning, but hey let me take a break for a while before housemanship starts hehe. I promise when I have kids in the future, I won't ask them to become a doctor (I will only guide and inspire them to become one hehe jk). Our graduation day was on the first week of November. It was 2 months after our result day. Luckily Malaysian Medical Council (MMC) allows us to use our transcript that we got during the result day f...