My Study Week Routine (Part 1)

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. The lights went off and everything turned dark. Adrenaline surged. I thought I had become blind, or dead. I screamed, calling my mother, "Ibuuuuu, kita tak nampak." One chance to confirm it. I flipped the curtain and saw there was moonlight outside, and at the same time ayah opened my door with a torchlight in his right hand. I felt relief. I was neither blind nor dead. It turned out that my housing area had gone blackout. Ceh, penat je over panic macam dalam drama haha. Anyway, as most of my study week break I spend at home and I don't have any other things I do or places I go, today I'm gonna tell you guys what is my study week routine. Yeayyyy. The main thing I do is of course, studying. The reason why I choose to have my sweet time at home is because there's no one in Vista as they are having their Christmas holiday and I don't have to think what to eat, what to buy and how to survive the day...