District 21

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Finally, I'm in Melaka hehehehehehehe so happy, haritu dah golek golek nak balik sebab homesick sangat haha! Anyway semalam Dylla pergi District 21 weee at last! District 21 is like an adventurous-extreme-fun kind of park. There're few stations where you need to climb, jump, fly etc haaa memang cam monyet dah panjat sana sini haha. Dylla pergi dengan Sanaa, Dina and Naziha. This place opens from 12pm to 8pm. Our class finished at 11.30pm and we straight away went to the new IOI Mall in Putrajaya. District 21 is in the mall. IMU and IOI takde lah jauh sangat, about 20 minutes je so memang macam ngam ngam lah sampai pukul 12 hehe nampak lah semangat tu. We registered our names at the first counter then we brought the forms and paid for the tickets at the ticketing counter. Kitorang ambil yang package 4 orang. Here are some details regarding the opening hours and ticket price. We took the family package (4 peopl...