Daily Goals

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Just a random story on a random day. I just finished my class at 5pm, tersengguk dalam kelas tadi macam buat kerja apa je penat sangat, nasib lah dah baca before lecture. Anyway, here's a story of... Me. Haha!

Do you have daily goals?

I have daily, weekly, monthly, fortnightly, annually goals and all of them are part of my life goals. Tbh I don't have any specific daily goals. Ingat lagi time sekolah dulu ada macam talk. Biasalah motivational talk apa semua. So ada one time ni the motivator told us pasal sorang manusia yang famous and kaya (if I'm not mistaken, it was about Bill Gates). Motivator tu cakap every morning that person will write his daily goals on a small notebook which he always brings in his pocket. Biasalah after talk jadi bersemangat, malam tu juga prepare notebook untuk tulis esok. Satu hari je jadi lepas tu dah tak sempat dah sebab bangun pun tak berapa nak awal dulu hehe. So macam terkubur je lah hasrat konon nak tulis nanti boleh jadi kaya hahaha.

As time goes by, many things have changed. And for me, I wanna be better and better and better. Life is supposed to teach us to become a better person, innit? Okay apa pula kaitan dengan daily goals tadi ye Dylla? Haha sabar sat, hang baca lah sampai habih :p

Because I really really wanna be a better person, so secara tak langsung Dylla cuba tanamkan this one thing inside me; whenever someone does a good deed, remember it and next time it's your turn! So sometimes I become more observant, to be honest. Idk how to describe my feeling when seeing a person does something good. Rasa macam, "Bagusnya dia, kenapa aku tak pernah buat macam tu eh. Takpe lain kali aku pun kena buat macam tu jugak." So automatically it becomes my daily goal (tho I never put it in my pocket hehe).

Before this a senior of mine pernah cakap time dalam usrah, kalau jumpa sesama Muslims kat IMU, tegur and bagi lah salam. Tak susah pun "Assalamualaikum". I said to myself, "Hmmm macam awkward pulak nak bagi salam. Dah lah kat IMU pulak tu." So I rarely beri salam kat orang lain. Even dalam telefon pun biasa nya cakap 'Hello, siapa ni?'.

Tadi, masa tengah turun escalator Dylla terperasan a guy friend of mine tengah nak turun juga. But Dylla senyum jelah tak cakap apa pun. Dia nak cepat so he passed by me. Sambil dia tengah melangkah turun escalator yang bergerak tu tetiba dia cakap, "Assalamualaikum. Sihat?" Dylla pun jawab salam and cakap lah sihat. Then I realised I was smiling alone. No no, not smile sebab rasa macam perasan ada orang tegur ke apa. But I smiled sebab rasa "Bagusnya dia. Haah mana ada pelik pun bagi salam. Rasa lagi bagus ada lah." Somehow I would like to thank him for doing that.

It's not difficult actually to find good things in others. Sama ada nak atau tak nak je. All you have to do is open your heart and look carefully everything around you. Manusia biasa tidak sempurna. Good people are not always right and bad people are not always wrong. So itu lah tugas kita. We have to take the good parts and leave the bad ones. Like for this post, if ada yang baik ambil lah, if ada yang tak elok jangan lah ikut.

We don't really need a notebook to write our daily goals. As a motivation, yes. But the most important thing we need is a good intention. You are the one who plan how your day will look like. But Allah is the best planner. Niat yang baik, jangan risau, InshaaAllah Allah SWT akan tolong. Nak beri salam? Nak jadi imam time solat? Nak habis kan 3 lecture notes? Nak ajar kawan? Nak jawab soalan lecturer? All of them are counted.

So.. I have told mine. What's yours?



  1. Gudluck.. semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan.. :)

  2. okaylaaa ada daily goal.. akak ni ? ahahaha dah tak tahu mana nak p pun =P aahahaha..

  3. akak punya daily goal - utk lakukan lebih banyak kerja dan jadi lebih produktif berbanding hari sebelumnya :)


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