Just A 10-Min Break

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

It's almost 12am, but I'm still wide awake. Exactly 7 weeks ago, before new semester started, I thought of prioritising blog writing, but looks like it is not that easy to accommodate it into my daily (hectic) 8 to 6 schedule. After this it won't be 8 to 6 anymore. Sometimes it will be 8 to 10 during Ortho posting. And I saw one of my friends still at A&E department at 11.50pm. Don't get me wrong. Not that I'm complaining. I'm actually looking forward and can't wait for it.

I have a lot of things to share with you guys (let's just pretend there are people who read my blog, shall we? Haha). There are a lot of unpublished posts in my draft. Anyway, as the title suggests, I'm just going to blurt out whatever I wanna say in 10 minutes. 

Psychiatry almost comes to end and I'll be having my end of posting tomorrow. I can't wait to get through it, but at the same time I'm super duper nervous. I don't know what to expect. Prof. Z will give each one of us a patient to be clerked in 10mins perhaps(?) and we present to her together with differential diagnoses and management plans. Hope the patient will be having either schizo, bipolar, depressive disorder or substance use. If suddenly she brought us to the clinic... I don't wanna think about that Just praying for the best of luck haha. 

Anyway, I joined a run last Saturday!!! I'm soooo excited to tell you guys about this because after years of planning and experiencing a hypoglycemic attack one week right before the event, I finally managed to complete a run! It was a 6km run. It will be a lie if I said I ran all the times, but hey alternating between running and walking is a good start, I guess? Hehe. All photos are still in my phone, but I did upload a few in my Instagram (dyllarezan), so you can check them out there okay! 

Alright time's up. 10 minutes flew so fast. I shall go to bed. 
Teedle dum dum humty dumpty dum! 
It rhymes haha. Bye! 


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