I Have Something To Admit

Let's this be something between us only, shall we? 

Assalamualaikum and hi guys! 

Blogspot is probably not a trend anymore because most people already 'migrate' to vlog, I guess? But, that's not the main issue. I have something to admit. 

I just diagnosed myself having Social Media Use Disorder. 

Final exam pro part 1 is less than a month away, and I was reading about Alcohol Use Disorder. While trying to digest word by word, I purposely tried to change the word from alcohol to social media, and guess what, I fit the criteria! Haha there's no such thing as social media use disorder anyway guys, but I do feel that I really need to cut down my time spending on social media. 

Some of the criteria (out of 11) in DSM-5 for Alcohol Use Disorder;

  1. Alcohol is often taken in larger amounts or over a longer period of time than intended. 
  2. There is a persistent desire or unsuccessful effort to cut down or control alcohol use. 
  3. Craving, or a strong desire or urge to use alcohol.

As a first step, I would try to distance myself from social media accounts and hibernate. I noticed I had spent a lot of time on social media that I ended up reading fewer books nowadays. Not only medical books but non-medical ones as well, which makes me feel bad because I used to read at least a book every fortnight even on a really tight schedule as a medical student. And I think my English is so rusty, it needs a good brush-up. I don't know how far can this go because I'd tried before but I failed, so let's see how long will this last. And perhaps, this might be a life-changing step from social media to more books and more posts on blog? But I can't promise on the latter one though hehe. 


  1. hehe.. i think everyone has this disorder. but its good to keep a distance to it..

  2. I feel the same too. Spent so much time on social media things and I noticed that I barely touch/read any book. It is bad though. Hopefully I can change that and spend less time on social media and do something beneficial 😊

    Syaza | www.syazaraihanah.com


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