Write. Save. Repeat.

I'd been writing and saving posts in draft, but yet, did not publish them. Blame my laziness to continue typing and end up writing them halfway. Anyway, I have a new resolution. 

I'm thinking of starting writing like on weekly basis, at least. Since this is my final semester in medical school (InshaaAllah!) and although I don't fancy roller coaster rise, but these few months will definitely be a thrilled ride for sure and publishing the stories here might be a good idea since I don't have a diary. 

 A quick summary of my current life. 

  • For semester 10 aka the final semester, I am posted in Hospital Enche' Besar Hajjah Khalsom, Kluang. This semester we are supposed to 'shadow' housemen, which sometimes I think we really ARE shadows, like what Dato' Siva told us haha. 
  • I started with Internal Medicine posting. It was amazing. Never thought I could love Internal Medicine as much as I did here. Well, although I have to admit that I'm still not that good in reading ECGs, but I definitely know more than before hehe, but that's not enough and I really need to brush it up! 
  • Next, I was in Obstetrics and Gynaecology posting. It has always been one of my favourite postings and I somehow can imagine myself delivering babies and scrubbing in as a surgeon to perform hysterectomy. The doctors and nurses were super helpful! I was given a chance to even conduct the delivery on my own! Which I refused and asked to assist instead haha. I managed to assist in a few number of deliveries. And I did manage to observe few surgeries inc ELLSCS, EMLSCS, cystectomy of endometrioma, TAHBSO, female sterilisation, etc. 
  • Currently, I'm in Surgery and Orthopaedics postings. Yes, they are combined in this 5-week duration. It's a bit hectic since we have to do 2 portfolios (for Viva), but so far so good. I always enjoy both of these postings, even back then when I was in Hospital Tuanku Jaafar, Seremban. Other than O&G, these are my favourite postings! I know right, it seems like I like most of the postings haha. It will be difficult to choose a field to specialise in, although for now in a long run I wanna become a surgeon, whether general surgeon, Obs and Gynae or Orthopaedics, I haven't made up my mind, but of course, I have to pass the very final exam first! Wish me luck hehe. 

Ahh, finally a complete post I can publish. I can't promise, but I will try my best to publish posts as frequent as possible. My Kluang house does not have wifi fyi, and my mobile internet rarely becomes 4G. Yes, most of the time it is E hm so slow like siput, even siput is faster..

Till here first. Bye!  


  1. Assalamualaikum wbh

    E stands for enough, though i know it could still represent other stuffs
    so, i guess u should have enough internet to post up your writings insha'Allah

  2. don't worry. take your time. we will always be waiting to read all your post. ^^
    even me myself am doing the same. i'll post and replied to all the comments when i have the time.


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