KonMari: Don't Judge My Room

Here are some before and after photos of my room. 
But before you look at them, promise me you won't judge hehe. 

Assalamualaikum and hi guys!

Have you heard about KonMari method? It's a method of organising things from clothes, to books, kitchen utensils and tools, miscellaneous, etc. The most important thing is to keep things that spark joy only. The KonMari was founded by Marie Kondo. I'm a HUGE fan of Tidying Up with Marie Kondo series.

If you know me well, you'd know how much I love organising and tidying stuff. Nah-uh, not OCD, because I do all these willingly, and in fact, actually I'd feel a bit stressful if my things are not organised. Organising makes life easier, trust me. You organise your things, you know where you put them, you place them back after using it and you'll never have to search for them since you already know where they are. And a plus point is, your room will always look neat! 

But, I've never really had a chance to tidy up my things when I was in medical school. I was rarely at home and things just piled up more and more especially after every transition phase in medical school; Bukit Jalil to Seremban and Seremban to Kluang. Besides, my younger sister and brother put their things in this room as well, so just imagine how unorganised, untidy, and really semak the room was.

We even called this room 'Bilik Aib' or in English is The Disgrace Room haha.

At times when we did not know where to put our stuff, we'd dump them in this room with the hope that one day we'll clean it up and tidy it clean. That 'one day' finally came after 5 years haha. Since I finished medical school, ibu reminded me almost every day to clean up this room, but I never really had time as I had to settle up some important errands. Then one day, my sister and I decided that we can't let this happen anymore, so we spent the whole day cleaning up this room. And guess what. We managed to clean up everything in a day, and it made me wonder, why all this while I'd been postponing it haha. 

Here's the result!

Files are organised according to the content

Things that did not spark joy were donated/ thrown away

I decided to not let go of books that do not spark joy since we have extra space here 

We reused pretty cups and boxes to place stationaries

These 3 cupboards contain my stuff

Tidying up this room made me realised that most of the things in that room are mine haha. I don't know why do I have so many things.

I did it guys! Hehe.

Anyway, how do you usually tidy up your room?
Do you follow any method?
Do share with me :)


  1. Honestly, I like what you did to this room. It's so adorable!

  2. seronok bila tengok kemas kan teringin nak buat konmari gak entah bila nak start hahah

  3. it looks neat even you have lots of stuff..

  4. i tidy up my rooms once a week or every two weeks depends on my schedule. your room looks great!

    1. That's nice! I rarely use this room, but I will definitely clean it up more frequently. Thank you anyway hehe

  5. wslm..
    wahh look clean. cuma mayb klo space tu besa lagi boletmbh rak or tmpt utk letak brg lagi spy lebih tsusun kan..hmm xpe2 aslkan nampk kemas ok la tu

    1. Haah itulah. Nak tambah rak tak muat dahh. Hehe yup asalkan kemas and tersusun.

  6. Salam kenal sis...cantik dan cerja biliknya..

  7. Waa...so tidy sudah. Untung la siapa jadi your room-mate, mesti kemas juga. I am forever in the 'decluttering' stage bcos so many things have sentimental value! Got to learn to 'let it go...' :D

    1. Tapi betul tu, tak senang nak let go barang sesuka hati. Saya pun cam take time jugak lah haha. Itu pun ada benda tak guna pun still simpan lagi sebab sayanggg.

  8. KonMari ni hebat sngt minimalis dia. Nk ikut,, tapi berat na nak declutter semua brg taguna.

    1. Haha kannn? Sama laaaa. Rasa bazir buang barang tak guna tapi still elok. Saya ada mindset 'mana lah tahu nak pakai akan datang' haha.

  9. suka tengok..kemas je susunan kat bilik tu :-)

  10. Buang jek mana yg x guna baru nampak kemas 😬

    1. Haha itu lah rasa nak buanggg tapi sayang tsk tsk susah betul ada perasaan macam ni. Haritu sehari je hati kental buang benda tak nak guna haha

  11. Suka tengok konmari style ni. sangat kemas dan pratikal

  12. Your room looks so cheerful and colorful! Me likey.

    I think I heard about KonMari method but never got the chance to practice it. Tapi alhamdulillah bilik tak bersepah sebab I always tidy up my room after I woke up and before I go to bed sebab rasa tak senang duduk, even ada sebiji cawan dalam sinki, mesti terus basuh hehe but I don't have OCD though sebab kadang tu rasa malas betul nak kemas hahaha

    1. That's a really good habit! Takde lah tunggu bertimbun banyak baru nak kemas hehe. I think as long as you always tidy and clean up your room, tak payah KonMari pun dah boleh kemas cantik hehe

  13. i believe each house has this kinda room.. where we dump most of our things.
    glad that u finally kemas cantik2.. puas hati kan ?


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