First Hospital Visit

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. As I already promised, in this post I'm gonna tell you how was my hospital visit to Hospital Tuanku Jaafar Seremban and what I learned yesterday. Before this yes, I did a work shadowing in KPJ when I was doing my A Level in INTI but the fact as we know, there are lots of differences between a govt and private hospital. Besides, this time we had to shadow nurses instead of doctors! I was really really really looked forward to this nursing week and it turned out that almost everything was awesome! I slept early the night before so that I won't wake up late on the next day. We gathered in front of IMU by 7 and as usual, Sanaa and I arrived sharp at 7 just few seconds right before the bus took off. Usually I sleep straight away when the bus leaves but yesterday, I was not! I was very excited that I felt like every single second was really precious and shouldn't be wasted by sleeping haha. We arrived HTJ about 1 hour later. ...