Insecurity Level Up, Confidence Level Down
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Define insecurity. 1. uncertainty or anxiety about oneself; lack of confidence. Girls and insecurity can't be separated. I don't know if this is one of the pre-exam syndromes or what but to be honest, lately I have been quite demotivated, felt insecure and of course they came along with the homesickness. Tried slowly to pick myself back up with the help of my strong support system which I can't never imagine what my life would be without them. I started to feel a bit demotivated after having a mock OSCE last Tuesday. OSCE stands for Objective Structured Clinical Examination and during OSCE, we have to show our clinical skills. It's a part of the exam and if someone fails, the person has to repeat the whole year without the chance to resit. This is one of those what I'm scared of. Even though it was just a mock, but still the butterfly thingy was there all the time I tell ya! I thought I did quite well for...