
Showing posts from June, 2015

Insecurity Level Up, Confidence Level Down

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Define insecurity. 1. uncertainty or anxiety about oneself; lack of confidence. Girls and insecurity can't be separated. I don't know if this is one of the pre-exam syndromes or what but to be honest, lately I have been quite demotivated, felt insecure and of course they came along with the homesickness. Tried slowly to pick myself back up with the help of my strong support system which I can't never imagine what my life would be without them.  I started to feel a bit demotivated after having a mock OSCE last Tuesday. OSCE stands for Objective Structured Clinical Examination and during OSCE, we have to show our clinical skills. It's a part of the exam and if someone fails, the person has to repeat the whole year without the chance to resit. This is one of those what I'm scared of. Even though it was just a mock, but still the butterfly thingy was there all the time I tell ya! I thought I did quite well for...

Colmar Tropicale, Bukit Tinggi

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi warabarakatuh.  Exam is just around the corner, less than 3 weeks left for OSCE. I just had my mock OSCE yesterday which I think was quite okay.. but tak tahu lah doctors rasa macam mana haha. Kinda busy with OSCE practices and study and yadayada the list goes on, tak sempat nak update blog tsktsk.  Anyway Dylla nak story pasal journey Dylla to a French-themed resort in Malaysia. Opened in year 2000, Colmar Tropicale was modelled after 16th century Colmar town, north east of Alsace, France, also incorporating architectural designs and elements from ancient surrounding villages of Riquewihr, Turckheim and Kaysersberg (ayat dicilok dari website Colmar Tropicale sendiri hehe). Colmar Tropicale ni one of the interesting places on top of Bukit Tinggi. Ada lagi few places such as Japanese Village, Animals Farm, and if Dylla tak silap the longest flying fox in South East Asia (something like that) pun ada dekat dekat sini juga. Cuma Dylla mem...

Emo Tak Tentu Pasal

This post is supposed to be posted on 16TH JUNE 2015.  Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.  Haha what's up with the title. I went out for lunteaner (lunch+tea+dinner, new word created by Dylla hehe) then tak habis habis Sobri ungkit pasal Dylla emo lah apa lah *jeling*. Ni semua gara gara semalam, Dylla tetiba je rasa nak marah orang hm tapi takde lah marah sangat pun. Memang ada kot pre-csu syndrome :p haha because bila esok ada clinical skills session je mesti Dylla rasa macam tak senang duduk, especially if hari esok history taking pehh. Bukannya apa, during Cardiovascular System if I'm not mistaken, Dylla kena ambil full history daripada simulated patient (included history of presenting illness, systemic review, family history, pass illness and medication and social history), then time tengah interview sp tetiba doctor tu stop kan Dylla kejap and beritahu yang Dylla tak cukup show empathy blabla and since then, I always wished I would never have to take hist...

Last Friday

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.  Here's a quick update of what happened last Friday.  Sobri balik last Monday so ada lah geng nak food hunting yeay! Friday Morning Dylla ada clinical session on venepuncture. Seronok and happy jap finally we learned this thing! Dylla belajar how to take blood from patients with the correct steps and procedures. After CSU sementara Sobri tak sampai lagi, Dylla terus pergi SDL (Self Directed Learning) room and practice venepuncture dengan Tiara so that takde lah after CSU je terus lupa haha. Lagipun macam rasa bersalah pula if I go out until evening tapi tak study and tak practice hehe skema. I told Sobri I felt a bit guilty, then he said I can practice communication skill with him.  I went back to Vista and kemas barang apa semua because petang tu Dylla nak terus pergi TBS, nak balik Melaka weeee. Jumpa je Sobri terus membebel practice communication skill apa semua. Sempat lah practice venepuncture and cardiovascula...

Foodylla @ KL Big Kitchen Festival 2015

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Here's a quick post because I haven't finished researching for tomorrow's pbl discussion yet wuaaaa! Esok nak pbl harini baru nak cuak haha. I'm still in Melaka because usually ayah belikan ticket a day before balik but this time I thought it was okay if I just buy it on the spot but I was wrong. Sampai sampai tengok ticket 2.30 3.30 semua dah habis hm sedih jap (sedih di luar, gembira di dalam) hahaha. Kebetulan tomorrow's PBL at 2pm so I decided to go back tomorrow weeee. Ayah nak hantar actually but Dylla terus cakap tak payah susah susah esok Dylla naik je bas hehe padahal nak stay rumah for another night. Overly attached daughter :p  Dylla nak story pasal KL Big Kitchen Festival (KLBKF) which I went a week ago. Dari haritu sempat tulis tajuk and beri salam je then terus save in draft sampai lah harini baru buka. Terkapai kapai bernafas dalam lautan perubatan (acewah ayat) hehe.  Ignorant sikit to apa yang...

Cara Membuat Gam Kanji

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Apa lagi gam paling murah dan jimat selain gam kanji haaa. Tetiba teringat time sekolah rendah cikgu ajar buat gam kanji then ibu buatkan hehe. Buat satu mangkuk then guna banyak banyak. Dulu ada 'Art Attack', channel yang buat arts and creative stuffs. Nak beli pva glue takut membazir so buat lah gam kanji then tak jadi arts sebab gam kanji and pva glue tak sama hahaha. Here's how you can do it! Barang-barang yang diperlukan ialah: 4 sudu besar tepung ubi kayu / tepung kanji 500ml air Cara-caranya mudah sangat! 1.  Campur je tepung dan air. 2.  Gaul sehingga sebati. 3.  Panaskan di atas api sehingga menjadi pekat. Make sure sentiasa kacau supaya tidak berketul. Taraaa siap! But jangan lah guna terus, panas dik oi hehe. Let it to cool down first before using it. Selamat mencuba! Credit to Mr. Google P/s: Dylla ni dah kenapa tetiba ajar buat gam kanji *jeling* haha