It Brings Me Back To 2015
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. This 'Heathens' song keeps playing in my mind. Blame the radio station that plays it every day. See, people tend to blame others instead of admitting their mistakes haha yes, I'm talking about myself. I'm currently having a posting in obstetrics and gynaecology (O&G), yup women stuff, from pregnancy to menstruation to ovary and uterus. This brings me back to the 2015, when I had my second hospital attachment a.k.a elective posting. The first one I had when I was studying A-Level. The second one, I chose to do the 3-week-elective posting in O&G department with Tiara. Although it was kinda difficult that time as I hadn't studied about the reproductive system, nor did I have any idea of how the delivery was gonna look like. And I didn't even know what to expect and about the special components needed to clerk an obstetrics or gynaecology case, but it was such a great experience and overview. You can ju...