Blog Tips: How To Make All Links Open In A New Tab

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

I just made a new change in my blog page. If you click at any link in my page, it will open up a new tab instead of go directly to the link. I found out that it's easier if I visit anyone's blog, click on the link given and it opens a new tab; I don't have to leave the initial page and can easily click without having to return to the previous page.

So, I thought maybe I should do the same thing for my blog. It requires only a few steps and trust me, it is super duper easy. All you have to do is just follow the steps below.

1. Go to blogger dashboard (

2. Click more options (button with arrow beside 'View blog'), and click 'Template'

3. Backup your template first, just in case if something wrong happened. Go to 'Backup / Restore' at the top right of the page and click 'Download template'.

4. Click 'Edit HTML' 

5. Find <head> by clicking anywhere in the middle of the coding box and press Ctrl + F on the keyboard and you'll notice a search box at the top right of the coding box. Then type <head> and press enter.

6. Then just add this code below it <base target='_blank' /> and it's supposed to look like this.

7. Then click 'Save template' and voila it's on! 

It's easier for your reader and of course for yourself as well! Tell me how do you find this tutorial. Thank you and hope this tutorial works for you guys too.


  1. Tq atas tutorial hihihihi kak ekin dah guna cara ni memang bagus sangat ni

  2. akak pulak sejenis yang tak suka bukak banyak tab ni hihihihi.

    citarasa lain2 kan


  3. thank you so much, mmg tgh cari pon ni


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