I'm Back!

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. 

Hellooooooo everyone! 

Just in case if you guys have forgotten, I'm Ardilla Noorezan. Who am I? No one. So, you are not expected to know me actually haha. 

What an interesting way to start a post after so long not writing one, Ardilla . . . 

Yes, alhamdulillah I'm still alive, trying to survive in Med school. How was everything? Hmmm which one should I start first? Should I start with the part where I almost cried when clerking a patient? Or my car crashed into a tree? Or the part where I had trouble sleeping? Hm, which one.. haha. Okay, I'll just tell briefly about everything I can remember, alright? Grab some popcorn and keep scrolling hehe. 

I already finished 7-week of Family Medicine and almost finish my 2nd 7-week-posting which is surgery. I loveeee this clinical phase because finally, I can relate the theory part and real things. This is also the phase which I learn a lot. Not just about Medicine and people, but also about myself. I get to know myself better; I believe I can be just as good as everyone else. I learn to appreciate small things that I should have been grateful for, which I overlooked before. For example like having a good relationship; be it with family, or friends, or strangers. And this phase trains me to become a stronger person in the future. Gituuuu. Dah macam reflective writing hehe. 

Oh yes about the car crash, if you followed me on Instagram, you probably would notice the day when I posted a photo of my damaged car after skidding, spinning and crashing into a tree. It was raining heavily that morning and my first time going on the different route. One split second, it happened. It was so fast. My car spun a few times, but thank Allah there was no other car and I was fine. Alhamdulillah. 

I have a looootttt of things to tell you guys. And I'm so sorry I haven't updated about India, China and a few other trips, which some of you requested. Just a quick survey here; which topic you want me to talk first? About my current life? How's clinical phase in medical school? Or continue about India trip? Sarawak? China? Or any other interesting topics you'd like to suggest. Don't be shy, just drop your comments okay? It will be so helpful to me. Hehe thank you!

Oh andddd Ramadan Kareem!

I shall continue my work now, see ya! 


  1. Welcome back and Salam Ramadhan to you... :D

  2. OMG, good to know nothing happened to you! Were u alone at that time? I don't want to imagine that. Alhamdulillah you are okay now... For your next post?? hmm...'How's clinical phase in medical school will do'. hihihi..would love to know more about that. hihihi

    1. Yes, I was alone. Alhamdulillah everything was fine, except for the car.
      Alright, I'll try my best to find some time to post about that! Hehe thanksss

  3. all the best Dylla.. mana2 pun ada cabaran. be strong =)
    btw akak da add Dylla dalam bloglist akak.. will be back untuk baca cerita2 Dylla..


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