Luqman Was Missing!

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. 

Meet Luqman everyone!

Today is the fifth day of Raya. Not sure if it's still considered as Raya or not. But Syawal is one month, so I consider it as a yes haha. So far, Raya has been good to me. I'm quite nervous for the upcoming new semester, marking the final semester we'll be in IMU Bukit Jalil before going to IMU clinical school in Seremban (if I pass, InshaaAllah!). But, let's spend time with family to the fullest first, shall we? After this, most of the time will be spent in hospital, so I don't think I can go back every weekend. *brb crying*

In a blink of an eye, day passes so fast, leaving yesterday as a memory. I ate so many ketupats and sambal bali (favourite dish cooked by nenek), and little did I realise how fast Raya Day 1 has become Day 5, phew. Nonetheless, I still can recall what happened on the first day of Raya. 

Luqman is my cute-little-youngest cousin who had just turned 4 yesterday. It started when we were waiting for nenek and others who went to the nearby mosque to perform Raya prayer. Makcu and I stayed with the kids at home. While sitting comfortably on nenek's sofa, watching takbir Raya on television, Makcu gave us duit Raya. "Yeay, second sampul of the day!" I screamed silently in my heart. Dah besar panjang still nak duit Raya, yelah tak kerja lagi lah katakan hehe. The kids, including Luqman, Hannah, Imran, etc. were in the second living room. Everyone seemed busy playing games and chit-chatting.

Makcu came out from her room at the back and called Luqman's name. 

No answer. 

No answer. 

"Muhammad Hami Luqmannnn."
No answer. 

Makcu asked my other cousins who were sitting in the second living room, but none of them knew where was Luqman. We became panicked. We checked for the doors, but nothing showed someone had gone out. Even Luqman's shoes were still at the usual place. We wondered and wandered. We literally called his name while searching for him at every corner of the house. Then suddenly one of his sisters came out of the prayer room and said, "Ni lah Luqman." 

Everyone rushed to the prayer room.

Luqman came out from his hiding place -- behind the door. But he still didn't wanna come out of the room. He wasn't trying to play hide and seek. The truth is, he sulked because he thought his mother, makcu, didn't wanna give him duit Raya haha how cuteeeee is that?! He stayed there for about 1 hour and didn't lift up his foot at all, even until my grandmother entered the room to persuade him haha. One whole day my nenek teased him, telling us that she had never found a kid who sulks because of duit Raya, haha Luqman is indeed a really cute cheeky boy!



  1. haha pandai merajukkk ..
    best nya still dpt duit rayaa,mira tahun ni kosongg,sobs,
    selamat hari rayaa ! :D

    1. Itu lah dah pandai dah merajuk haha. Ohhh Dylla side ibu memang dapat alhamdulillah, cuma side ayah je berkurang hehe. Selamat hari raya jugak Mira! :)

  2. hahahaha alahaiii comel je merajuk hahaha umur berapa tu luqman?

  3. hehehe... tggula bila durng wat lgi superb.. akk ada 2 org princess.. dh arif sgt dh :P

    1. Hahaha yeke? Comelnyaaa 2 orang ada gang nak main haha

    2. ajak main???? dh anak2 dara ni boleh ajak gadoh & merajok je dh.. mana boleh ajak main lgi dh :P

  4. I am at their place. 19 and still kiddy. Buat muka sposen mintak duit raya. And this year, 19. Boleh mintak duit raya lagi kan hahahah

    1. Haha best lahh boleh mintak lagi. Muka saya nampak nau dah lebih 20 haha


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