Raya Celebration Was Hmm . . .

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

How was your Raya celebration guys? Hope everything went well! Mine? Alhamdulillah, 'twas fun! I've got to spend about a month at home. 2 weeks left before new semester starts, phew the time passes really fast whenever I'm at home and I don't think I'm the one who feels like this, am I right? Haha.

Anyway, this post is gonna be a throwback post about what happened the last few days, with a combination of writing, photos and videos from snapchat and 'boomerang' apps.

Before Raya, I went to Guardian to look around and have some fun trying the make up testers on the back of my hand. I ended up buying these 2 gorgeous stuff, which I never know how to use. I simply put them on my eyebrows and eyelids, blended here and there with multiple kind of shades and looked at the mirror to see the final result. Not that I used them without looking at the mirror, but it's different when you look one part of your face at a time and when you look it as a whole.

I looked at the mirror and saw my face.

It. Was. A. Disaster.

I immediately kept them in my 'makeup bag' after I posted a quick review of me using these in my snapchat haha.

As usual, the night before Raya, we gathered at our kampung (Ibu's side) and helped doing some chores; washing dishes, sweeping the floor, etc. On the first day of Raya, though I have some makeup palettes and a few (old) eyeliners, I wore nothing on my face. Just a lil powder and a touch of tinted lip balm on my lips so that my face wouldn't look pale and sick. Makeup and I still don't have the 'chemistry' and I didn't dare to try 'em on a perfect nice day and good weather. 

From left; Ica, Haniza, Me

We spent the second night of Raya at another kampung, this time was Ayah's side. Tella, my sister and I thought of going to either Tesco or Aeon Jusco to buy the trending Samyang Ramen to taste and at the same time do the famous 'Spicy Ramen Challenge, but unfortunately there were none left when we arrived there. 

"Samyang takde, nasib sambal ayam ada." 

That's about it I guess. And the photo below shows my 'outfit of the day' hashtag ootd which I wore on the first day of raya. Real candid, tengah betulkan tudung gitu hehe. 

Segan pula nak upload bebanyak kat sini. 
So, more photos can be seen in my Instagram (@dyllarezan)
My snapchat account username is dyllarezan as well :)


  1. I have the same palette from Catrice too but Matt one. hehe Love the outfit that you wore during your raya. So nice and pretty :)

    1. I really like the palette as well! But unfortunately I don't know how to use them correctly :(

      Hehe thank you!

  2. omey ngat :3 hehehehehe alaaa kak dylla tak pakai makeup pun dah lawa dahhhhhhh XD

    1. alala fieyqa ni nak duit raya lettuuuuu hehe jemput lah datang rumaaahhhhh!

    2. kat mana rumah kalau dekat dah sampai dahhhh :p

  3. hai ! i just found your blog . and I followed :D I would love to try the maybelline fashionbrow one. seems nice :D

    1. I've followed you back! Yes, do try and then teach me how to use it hehe

  4. Hii!! so pretty your ootd, hehe Selamat Hari Raya :)

  5. owhhh... melakaaaaa... ptt la lawo orgnya


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