Apa Yang Seronok Sangat?

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

It's Friday and as usual, I'm in Melaka weeeeee. Setiap minggu kalau takde hal memang Dylla akan balik, eventho dengan gigihnya bawa beg (yang ada laptop je) pergi naik LRT Sri Petaling belakang IMU sampai TBS then naik bas balik Melaka. Okay ni lah one of the reasons kenapa Dylla rasa seronok. Life was a bit mess this week, dengan tidur banyak plus takde masa study or in other words memang tak nak study, tak sempat baca before lectures, wuaaaa. Okay lepas update blog ni kena study sesikit so takde lah rasa guilty sangat hehe. 

Oh rasa seronok sebab balik Melaka. And nak tahu tak, Dylla baru je dapat result Assigned Independent Reading (AIR) essay tadi and alhamdulillah dapat A weeeee. Before this time Sem 1 Dylla pakai taram je tulis essay tu and I got grade (rahsia) :p Now rasa macam lagi bersemangat sikit hehe. Tadi Dylla ada clinical session pasal overall history taking (interview simulated patient) termasuk summarisation and chest x ray. The first one hour kitorang kena interview patient. Dylla macam tak suka sikit bila bab history taking ni kekadang sebab Dylla selalu rasa nervous nak mampuih sampai lupa nak tanya apa. And kena relate dengan theory, hmmm tak habis cover lagi respiratory system ni so macam mana nak relate kan.. haha! Anyway, Dylla kena part summarisation haaaa lagi bagus sangat lah tu, last buat time Sem 1 -.- Dylla pun pakai cakap jelah apa yang Dylla tahu and alhamdulillah the doctor said what I did was quite good for Sem 2! Tapi macam susunan je ada silap sikit hehe. 

Time tengah belajar pasal chest x ray blabla tiba tiba ada fire drill. Bijak juga IMU buat fire drill time orang tak ramai sangat pun yang ada kelas haiya. Kan lagi seronok kalau time hari Isnin pagi ke hehehe baru lah rasa fun sikit berlari ramai ramai ke tempat berkumpul haha memang pun IMU ni ayah yang punya. Tetiba teringat time kat SSP dulu ada fire drill tengah malam time tengah tidur. Dylla memang tidur nyenyak habis, kalau betul ada fire at that time memang berkemungkinan besar dah rentung aduhai haha. 

Dalam bas Dylla tengok movie; Shawshank Redemption, which was recommended by my best friend, Tiara. If I'm not mistaken it is at the top of the rank for IMDB rating. Best gilaaaaaaa! Pasal penjara and orang tu try to escape apa semua. Ahhh lately ni Dylla banyak pula tengok movie hmmm study tak nak cis. Okay kena study! Byebye assalamualaikum! :D

Ps; Someone told me that maybe I should write my blog posts in both languages, but I'm so so so sorry sebab Dylla type ikut mood and sometimes kena kejar masa. Macam sekarang ni mood campur campur so bahasa pun campur campur. Anyway thanks for the idea and feedback! I really appreciate it. And terharu as well. So if you guys have anything to say, just tell me okay? I really really wanna hear from you guys, either baik or buruk. Thank you :) 


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