Pitch Perfect 2

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. 

Hey guys guess what?! I already watched Pitch Perfect 2 weehooooo! I'm so excited, even until now haha. It was a random plan. Yeah, I know random spontaneous plan always works. I was selling food for the fundraising with the other committees when suddenly Nisa (randomly) asked us who wants to go watching Pitch Perfect 2. I really wanna watch Pitch Perfect but I didn't know it's just been released today!!!

Others got something else to do. When Nisa went to PBL (my group already had it yesterday), I booked for the movie tickets. TGV cinema doesn't mind if you book even few minutes just before the movie starts. Maybe because today is the first day of this movie so the ticket price was quite expensive (RM20) compared to the usual one. After Nisa finished her PBL, we straightly went to Sunway Pyramid, which is only about 15 minutes from IMU (one of the pros living in KL, minus the traffic jammed and pollution of course) haha. 

We were kinda hungry at that time so we decided to eat at Papa John's first. The salad was sent, then the potato wedges with cheese. Couldn't stand as we're too hungry so we ate what was in front of us first. It was almost 4.10 so we told them to pack the pizza and chicken wings for us. Sharp at 4.10, we hurried to the cinema (with the pizza and chicken wings) and straight away entered the hall! Fuhhh, still with the ads, trailers etc.

While waiting, we finished our chicken wings first. Then, as the movie started, we ate our pizza, ahhhh felt like watching a movie at home! The movie was really really really awesome! We laughed hard from the beginning till the end, siap sampai tertendang kerusi orang depan! Sorry adik adik semua hehe. If you think Pitch Perfect 1 was great, then you should watch this one! I sounded like a promoter hahaha.

Alright, I better start studying now. To be honest, respiratory system almost comes to the end but I haven't started revising everything yet so toodles! Assalamualaikum :D


  1. Bojiooo....mcm pnah nmpak kat fb je kak😤, dah delete eh???

    1. susah sikit akak ada stalker nama akmal ni nanti dia screencapt, takuuutttt! Hahahaha

    2. Untungla akak hotsetaf...kita ni org tgk je nak muntah😳

    3. Terharunya adik adik semua ni comment kat blog akak yang tak seberapa ni. Lozano kotttt yang comment! :O

  2. kak, byk cite pasal perjalanan nak ke wayang je, mana cite pitch perfect nya????

    1. Alamak takut adik nangis pulak kat rumah tu, dengar cerita esok tak jadi pergi hm sabar eh :/ hahahahaha best sangat tak tipu fat amy lawak gila gila!

    2. Mintak maaf mengacau...muhammad daniel awak kenal ke ngan kakak ni???

    3. Dik ni bukan tempat untuk jejak kasih. Hahahahahahaha siap lah akmal 😂

    4. Eh siapa plak akmal ni???dia stalker eh? Mai sini cek belasah dia

  3. akak dah tengok jugak.. bestkan.. rasa x puas.. the ending mmg sebak..
    tapi that DAS pun menarik jugak.. sama2 hebat..

  4. I had watch Pitch perfect 2 and pitch perfect 3. But I loved Pitch perfect 2 more than Pitch perfect 3. I don't know why But pitch perfect 2 was my favorite movie as compare to the pitch perfect 3. I hope reason is that may be story of Pitch perfect 2. I Watch online Pitch perfect 2 last year before releasing pitch perfect 3.


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