Mak Cik Jual Kuih Dalam IMU

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Baru je balik dari kelas, nak belajar tak masuk. Rasa nak tidur tapi orang cakap nanti boleh jadi gila, takut pula gila before sempat habis med school haha. Homework banyak nya this week dengan pbl esok, clinic report, reflective writing on clinic visit pasal patient safety, plus nak catch up study lagi, dengan fundraising everyday, kena settlekan homestay okay okay put them all aside first, kita relax dulu. Ye nama pun Ardilla, bab bab relax nombor satu. Lagipun bak kata ibu tak boleh stress nanti belajar tak masuk hehehe :p 

So this week and next week kitorang (Malay Cultural Society) ada buat fundraising untuk our club. Everyday from 9am-2pm except for Friday from 9am-12pm. Dylla jadi project manager dengan kawan Dylla lagi sorang ni, Nisa for this homestay programme in Pahang. Hopefully everything berjalan dengan lancar. Sebab tu buat fundraising so that nanti boleh lah tampung sikit yuran etc. We're so lucky to have them yang pandai baking and masak ni. Nisa semalam bawa brownies, today she brought carrot cake. Tiara pula every day will bring Kek Batik. Marsaid pula bawa his famous banana roll. 

Tet tet will be continued...

Sorry sorry call ibu ayah jap (macam orang kisah haha!). Baru takde kat rumah 2 hari ibu ayah dah tanya balik tak this week, so happy hihihihi. Okay sambung balik pasal tadi. 

Alhamdulillah setakat semalam and today everything went well as we already planned. Even though macam ada lah juga itu ini but alhamdulillah I have a very supportive and hardworking friends especially the high committees. Semalam Dylla and Marsaid takde pagi sebab ada clinic visit until 12 so Nisa, Tiara, Akmal and Daniel lah yang jaga booth all the time, seronok ada gang macam diorang ni! Otak pun sama sama tak betul sangat hahaha.

Anyway, lately Dylla macam jadi pemalas sikit (sure selama ni tak malas? Hehe), tak tahu lah sebab busy and penat or sebab memang tetiba jadi pemalas. Bukan lah pemalas apa cuma selalu sangat rasa penat then tidur haiya. Okay kena ubah attitude! 

Nothing much to say more. Oh, to IMU students, make sure you come to our booth! Just in front of the medical museum. No need to go downstairs to buy breakfast hehe :p Okay lah gtg. Malam nanti kena siapkan pbl and study a bit if sempat. Toodles!



  1. kueh-kueh tu bukan sahaja comel... tapi nampak sedap jugak :D


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