Politics And Malaysian
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Politics is the last thing I wanna talk about as it will usually end up with a fight or bermasam muka and terasa, unless you have the same mind and opinion. That is what always happened when it comes to talking about politics. Yes, politics is important as what is a country without politics, right? But not every single thing we have to include politics in as certain issues or actions are better without politics. I'm not rooting any party as to be honest, I see more destruction than benefit on all sides, so basically, I'm rooting for those who I think s/he is right. Politics doesn't portray how the real Malaysia and Malaysians look like. Foreigners and outsiders will think Malaysians hate each other, races can't get united, and Malaysia is far from peace, but actually the real thing is, forget about the politics for a while and you can see the beauty of staying together, as Malaysians. Why am I saying this? Because ...