Clean Eating Challenge

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. 

Someone asked me on my "Kenapa dah lama tak aktif busy ke second year hmm" hm okay should I answer it dengan gelak or dengan sedih, okay takpe combine dua dua; "Tak busy sangat pun, cuma takde orang tanya soalan" (insert laughing+crying emoji) which is true, siapa jelah diri ini, tiada siapa kisah~ *lagu sedih berkumandang* hahaha. I'm not really busy as usually classes aren't really packed but then banyak benda itu ini yang I have to settle, so nampaklah macam busy padahal I stayed up last night until 1.30am just to watch movie T.T

Eat clean = makan bersih? 

Since when Ardilla makan tak bersih licin hm if makan tak bersih licin then it's not Ardilla haha. Eat clean means eat healthy food, less sugar, less oil and less unhealthy food. Past few days (ke semalam eh?) we learned about inflammatory polyps (isi terlebih dalam saluran perut) and 2 of the 3 main symptoms (rectal bleeding and presence of mucus) happened to me on the day before.. hm dah mula dah medical student syndrome dia ni sampai pi diagnose diri sendiri lepas tu cuak sorang sorang haha. So mula lah I considered of drinking a lot of water and eating a lot of vegetables, before this macam tak pernah kisah sangat pun.

But still belum eat clean betul betul because I always think 'alaa aku bukan nak diet, buat apa nak eat clean' until this afternoon when I had my lunch with my friend, Sinthia. I ate potatoes, kangkung and kacang buncis, while Sinthia had a plate of shawarma and rice (with some fries). Then she offered me her fries because she doesn't like it. I asked her why, she said because it's oily. I told her, "If its taste is good then it's good." hahaha cakap pandai. Lepas tu mula terkeluar cerita pasal eat clean ni. I just knew that Sinthia is very particular in choosing what she eats; not too much salt, less fat, no carbonated drinks, etc. Sambil makan we had a chat bout diseases and everything then I thought hm maybe I should start eating clean also and that's why I made this challenge for myself! Hehehe

Here's a list what I'm gonna do! Semoga berjaya lah amin hehe. 

1.  Drink a lot of water 
I already started and guess what, I have to go to the toilet every 1 hour interval.. 

2.  Eat a lot of vegetables
Have to eat at least 2 types of vegetables per day, and maybe I should eat less kangkung hm but kangkung is also considered as a vegetable right? Then it's okay lah. We stick with kangkung hehe. 

3.  Reduce saturated fat consumption
Less burger, less pizza, less anything that obviously contains fat, fat and fat! 

4.  Less sugar intake
Including kurang kan carbonated drinks. Pi minum air mineral sejuk je, jangan mengada nak ambil air gas dalam fridge, hmmpphhh! 

5.  Less salt intake
Memang jenis manusia tak suka garam sangat. 

6.  Eat more fruits! 
I like fruits but it's quite hard to have them here, so I plan to bring some from Malacca every weekend. 

7.  Exercise
What is eat clean without exercise. Hm I shall rethink about this because at the moment I don't have any sport shoes.. okay boleh lah siapa yang sudi bagi hadiah kasut haha.

Hopefully it will work! I'm so gonna make it work, tak kira tengah bersemangat ni! Alang alang eat clean mana lah tahu berat boleh turun sekilo dua haha okay till here.



  1. Akak konon dari awal tahun lepas target nak eat clean,...huhuhu selalu tumpas. Misi dah set, perlaksanaan very poor :)


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