First Week In IMU

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

I just finished writing out notes about First Aid Training which I only managed to capture photos of the slides yesterday haha. So here I am, in International Medical University, as a medical student. Cewah cara cakap macam I'm a doctor, padahal just started my degree haha. Basically these 2 weeks are orientation weeks but I only attend those briefings and talks with lecturers. I decided not to attend the orientation conducted by seniors bcs of some personal reasons which I think it isn't really appropriate to write them here.

I stay in Vista Komanwel C which is just about 10 to 15 minutes walk from IMU and LRT station. All of my housemates are 3rd semester medical students; Kak Nas, Najwa, Faika, Am and Thivya. Alhamdulillah, I'm really really grateful to have them as my housemates. Easier for me to ask anything about medic and the most important thing is they're very friendly and kind!

IMU is really strict about 2 things which are; dress code & speaking English. No jeans, no slippers, no funky clothes etc. Everyone wears formal attire. Yes, Friday is casual day (casual lah sangat haha) which means Polo shirt is allowed but still no t-shirt, no jeans, no slippers. Neither blaming nor breaking IMU rules as I personally think that this is the best way to train all future doctors, dentists, nurses, and pharmacists to dress well. Of course you don't wanna see doctors wearing t-shirt with baggy jeans right? Oh yes, speaking English is compulsory when you're in the campus. Still trying my best not to speak Malay with my Malay friends hehe.

There are only about 20 Malays (I bet it's less than 20) out of 200+ medical students. But that doesn't mean that we have to stay around and stick with Malays only. After knowing our groups for the orientation weeks, either in the lecture hall or auditorium, we usually sit according to groups so it's easier for us (read: them) to discuss about the performances etc. Sporting course mates and group mates. Though we're from different races and religions, we treat each other nicely.

The other thing that I really like about studying in IMU is the theory and clinical parts aren't separated in different semesters. As like me, during my first semester I'll have Foundation Module and clinical practice at the same time. We will also have few clinic visits this semester. Sounds great! I just can't wait to start everything hehe.

Alright I shall continue studying. Kiasu much haha.

Assalamualaikum peeps!


  1. Hi Kak Dylla! :)
    So currently you are still under JPA scholarship or Mara or private? Sorry I don't really understand the whole process on what's next once you've finished your A-level under bursary

    1. Hi ! :)
      Currently I'm being sponsored by JPA. After bursary, you have to decide where you wanna go (obviously haha) and if the uni is in the JPA list which I think you can get on their website, then dont worry they'll definitely sponsor you (if you meet all the requirements and criterias required of course) 😊

  2. Hi. How do we choose not to attend the orientation? Do we have to give solid reasons to the management team with proof? Selalunya ramai tak yang skip orientation ni?

    1. Nope, there's no attendance so you don't have to give any reasons etc. Ramai juga skip but mostly join je. I didn't join the orientation handled by seniors but I went to those talks and lectures given by lecturers etc. Usually by seniors starts from evening till midnight. Join jelah because it's fun actually :)

    2. Oh, me too! I actually read some blog posts by students about orientation activities handled by seniors. It's quite 'scary' though.

    3. The orientation activities are fun! Nowadays I don't think they still have the 'torture' kinda orientation haha, but I'm not so sure. Here in IMU all the activities are the 'normal' ones, it's just that some of them are not suitable for Muslims :)

    4. Is it easy to find friends in IMU? Do you mingle with your previous alevels friends only?

    5. Most of them are friendly so it's not that hard to find friends. Nope, none of my A Level friends are in IMU so yeah, I have to make new friends :)

    6. as salam kak. why is some of the orientation activity is not suitable for muslims? how are you going to
      avoid it?

    7. Waalaikumussalam. Some of the activities involve touching hands, etc, so it might not be suitable for us Muslims. I avoided it by not joining the activities. But, if you wanna join, just tell them that you don't wanna do any particular activity. They are really considerate and okay with it, don't worry :)

  3. Oh, and.... how do I apply for JPA scholarship? Currently Im not a JPA scholar. Can I apply scholarship using sem 1 results? Coz i heard jpa doesnt give loan for local uni...

    1. For JPA I'm not really sure because most of my friend applied using their first year result (if I'm not mistaken). But for MARA yes because some of my friends have already gotten MARA sponsorship during Sem 2 :)

    2. Which means I still have the chance to apply for JPA scholarship using first year results? Tq so much for this info. I was so worried because I come from a middle-class family and I'm trying my best to get loan/scholarship.

    3. Yup! Btw why don't you try to apply the university scholarship bcs some of the universities do provide a few scholarships for their students. Oh btw, regarding the JPA scholarship, I'm not so sure. I told you based on what my friends did. Not sure if they have changed the procedures or anything. Try to ask JPA and confirm with them.

    4. I sent them an email two weeks ago but till today, no reply from them. :(

  4. Dylla, Great to see your blog and your experience in IMU. I am not sure if you have finished your studied by now but just to share with you that I am looking for a tuition teacher (BM) for my 5 years old daughter. If you are keen...pls do keep in touch via my email.
    We are base in Bukit Jalil as well. Thanks. Leow

    1. I'm so sorry, but I'll be having my examination soon so I guess it's not possible for now. Anything I'll send you an email :)

  5. Hi,
    Can i wear baju kurung during registration day or is it compulsory to wear formal attire?

  6. Assalamualaikum akak. Psal accomodation tu, mcm mne pihak imu aturkan kpd students yg apply tmpat tnggal? Based on their programmes? Batch? Religions? Ke random je? :)

    1. Waalaikumussalam. Not sure sebab saya memang dari awal cari accommodation luar terus. Sorry :/

  7. Assalamualaikum. Kak dylla, will the people in imu racist? are they friendly? i hope they are cause i love to make friends but im afraid they'll ignore me :'(

    1. Waalaikumussalam. Yes, they are friendly. My friends are mostly Indians and Chinese :)

  8. kat mna lagi ye nak amik course 1st aid yg detail? The 1 which i attended is 'basic', done by ASEC (academy of safety & emergency care)

  9. May I ask is there any nursing students in IMU? Thanks~

    1. Not in IMU Bukit Jalil. But I remember, there's something called IMC (I think it's under IMU also bcs the logo is about the same) and it's for nursing students.

  10. hello :) just wanted to ask, are we not allowed to have our hair coloured?


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