JPA Scholarship Application Process For Bursary Students (Local University)

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Today I'm gonna share with you the application process after you have completed your pre-university study (such as A-Level, IB, Foundation etc). I just completed everything and decided to share the process here in my blog.

1.  After you have really make up your mind where to further your study, open eSILA website (here) and click "SISTEM PROFILING BURSARY", 5th box on the right column.

2.  Click "DAFTAR" if you haven't registered yet.

3.  Click "LOG MASUK" and enter your ic number and password to log in.


5.  Prepare all the documents needed before sending them to JPA office. You can go there by yourself or just send them by post. You'll get an email after that.

6.  Follow all instructions in "E-PENAWARAN" as stated in the email above.

7.  Print the "SENARAI SEMAK" so it's easier for you to check whether all documents needed are already prepared or not.

Be careful when you fill in the "DOKUMEN PERJANJIAN BIASISWA PERSEKUTUAN".
Make sure you follow all of the guidelines given so you won't make any mistake.
Use black ball pen, write with CAPITAL LETTERS, make sure that all dates are the same etc.
Provide a copy of your Bank Islam slip.
Don't worry if you forget to open a Bank Islam account as you can do it at Kompleks Kerajaan Parcel E which is nearby the Kompleks C.
Then send all documents to JPA Office at Kompleks C, 5th floor and voila everything's done!


  • I forgot my password
  • I didn't get the activation email
  • I accidentally wrote the wrong IC number
  • I want to change the registered email
  • I want to terminate my application for 'Program Penajaan Bursary'

Eg; What if I forgot my password? 
Don't panic. There's an easy way how to get your password back, as long as you remember your IC number and password for your email. Here are the steps.

1.  Go to 'SISTEM PROFILING BURSARY' or you can just click here

2.  Click the 'MASALAH LOG MASUK?'

 3.  Choose 'SAYA TERLUPA KATA LALUAN' and click 'SETERUSNYA'. (You might also choose the other problem you encounter as what I've already mentioned in the bullet points above. 

 4.  Insert your 'IC NUMBER' in the column provided and click 'SETERUSNYA'. 

 5.  You'll get a temporary password in your email. Check for the email either in the inbox / spam / junk mail.

6.  Log in using the temporary password and now, it's time to change back the password. 

7.  Click 'TUKAR KATA LALUAN' at the top bar. (Ehem, excuse my bulat face haha)

8.  Insert the temporary password in the "KATALALUAN SEMASA" and insert your new password in the "KATALALUAN BARU" and "PENGESAHAN KATALALUAN. And there you go!

I hope this post may help you.
Assalamualaikum :)


  1. hai dylla..thank you so much for this info. my brother been dying searching for his scholar.

    is it open like right now? or they have certain period of time?

    1. hai rasyidah :) So your brother has completed his pre-university study and will further in degree too? If your brother is a bursary student, then just follow the instructions above but if he is not, I guess he has to apply JPA scholarship after starting his 1st year of degree programme :)

    2. Hi may I ask if we can go personally to the office to send in our docs? Because JPA actually set a date, time and place to submit our docs for UKM students... but we have class on that day.

  2. I'm too old to submit my application heheh
    Have a great weekend, Dylla :)

    1. Saya baru perasan tak reply haha thank you Kak Farrah! Have a great weekend too :D

  3. May I know how long do we need to receive email from JPA after completing step 5?

    1. If you send the docs by hand, you should receive the email right after you've sent them or on the next day. If by post, about 5-6 days.

    2. After sending all the documents what happen? How will they contact us?

    3. Did you mean after sending the borang perjanjian etc? I guess you can straightly enter the uni (uni will settle the tuition fees with jpa by themselves) and you only have to wait for your allowance to be banked in :)

    4. yes i mean the dokumen perjanjian etc. Tq for answering and ur post really helped me a lot =)

  4. Hi Nurul,
    Thank you for this guide!!! I have been looking for quite some time.
    One question, on the first page after login, the pengakuan thing, I can't check the box :(
    Do I have to fill up all my other details first before checking the box?

    1. You're welcome. Hm during my time I could directly click that box without filling up other details first. But if cannot, try to fill up others first and then check the box :) good luck!

  5. Hello. I want to ask how IMU contact jpa to settle our tuition fees? Does the invoice for tuition fees sent to us too? And when the allowance will bank in? Few days before the course starts? Thanks :)

    1. Usually IMU will send an email to our student account to tell us that our fees haven't settled yet, and we would be barred from the exam if it's not settled blabla, but don't worry bout that because JPA will handle it. Yes for the invoice, we can check by signing in to this imu website ( Allowance will be banked in for every semester but usually not a few days before new semester starts. During my previous sem which was sem 1, I got the allowance few months after I had already started. But for this sem 2 I got quite early which was within the month when new sem started. It depends.

      You're welcome :)

  6. Hi. It's my pleasure to come across your article here.
    I have received the offer letter issued by the IMU Admission Office,
    The closing date is around two to three weeks time from now and IMU requires me to pay for the fees for 1st semester (as well as registration fee + refundable caution deposit).

    Meanwhile, I have submitted all the documents (dokumen perjanjian, lampiran, akujanji, etc...) to the JPA office.

    My doubt is that will JPA quickly pay for the 1st semester's tuition fees, registration fee + refundable caution deposit before the deadline of payment stated in the IMU offer letter, or I have to pay that amount of money all by myself first?
    Because I'm afraid IMU will withdraw the offer after the deadline if JPA pays for the fees later?
    Can I send a supporting document(such as JPA surat tawaran) to IMU admission office to let them know I am taking the JPA scholarship?

    Hope you will reply me soon. Thank you.

    1. Hi. The same thing happened to me last time. Tell IMU you're a JPA student and yes submit to them the supporting documents. You would just have to pay for the registration fee and the refundable deposit. No need to worry about the tuition fees because some of my friends even entered IMU with uncompleted JPA documents, and they settled everything after they had enrolled and settled down. If you have any doubts, just ask directly to IMU by sending an email or giving them a call. They'll surely help you :)

    2. Thanks for your quick reply. :)

  7. Thanks for the information,can I know that do Jpa scholarship include our daily expenses or only tuition fee?

  8. Hi ,can I know more about the allowances by the allowances enough for our accomodation and daily expenses..or we need to pay the hostel fees by our own?

    1. Yup, it's enough for both accommodation and daily expenses.

  9. I would like to ask hw much jpa allawances per semester? Do we hv to maintain our cypa to pursue the schorlarship,wat is the minimum cypa we shud achieve ?

    1. Around RM5500 per semester if I'm not mistaken. About the CGPA I'm not really sure. Sorry :/

    2. Wa,really a good news for me!!! Thx

  10. Hi,do pegawai kerajaan dalam kumpulan pengurusan dan professional includes penghulu or ketua kampung?

    1. I'm sorry, I'm not sure whether penghulu / ketua kampung is under that group or not. It is actually stated in one of the documents that you have to download :)

  11. Hi,Ardilla! May I know whether all documents have to be certified by government officer before we submit to Jpa office? 😊

    1. Hi! During my time, yes all documents have to be certified first :)

  12. Hi, do we need certify all the documents stated in the senarai semak?

    1. If I'm not mistaken, you don't have to certify JPA documents that you have to fill in. Only things such as your IC copy, penyata gaji, certificates etc.

  13. Hi, do we need to certify all those 4 documents (salinan kad pengenalan, slip permohonan, slip keputusan, Surat tawaran universiti) after complete e profiling?

    1. I wasn't really sure if the slip permohonan and surat tawaran universiti must be certified or not. So what I did was I certified all the 4 documents that you stated above and when I wanted to send them to JPA, I brought along the non-certified slip permohonan and surat tawaran. Just in case they didn't want the certified documents. But for salinan kad pengenalan and slip keputusan, yes, they have to be certified.

  14. Hi,I had sent the 4 documents needed to JPA (as in the address given by them) by pos laju last five days and i faced some pengisisan borang problem.I kept phone them at the number provided and email them but i didnot get any reply and the numbers are also not available.Till now i didnot receive any feedback fr them aft sending my documents so I am worried that is it JPA for bursary is not availble for this year already?

    1. JPA is still available for this year. They rarely pick up their phones so maybe you can straight go to JPA office and ask them by yourself. During my time also I had to go to KL by myself to send all the documents needed. I even had to make a new bank account there.

    2. Thanks for ur reply.I did send my bank Islam account number slip for them ,so do I need to open another account like what you had done?Do Jpa need medical check up report?sorry to disturb u again,haha

    3. Thanks for ur reply.I did send my bank Islam account number slip for them ,so do I need to open another account like what you had done?Do Jpa need medical check up report?sorry to disturb u again,haha

    4. No worries. I didn't have bank Islam that time and thats why I had to make an account, but if you already have, then no need to open another one. I didn't do any medical check up for JPA. I only did for my uni application. If they ask then I'll do it later haha

  15. Hi, if the applicant is not a bursary student, will the steps be the same as yours with the difference of eligible to apply only after the first year?
    Still need to go to system profiling?

    1. Hi, I'm really sorry because I'm not really sure bout that, but I guess it should be the same because as for me now, I'm considered as a JPA student, no more bursary status. So if I'm not mistaken, the process of applying and everything should be the same. The system profiling is for bursary students. If you wanna apply JPA for the first time, there should be another link in the esila website, but if you've already gotten it, then go to the e-penawaran for further process.

    2. Mind letting me know what's the name for that first registration? Coz I cant find it. Haha. Tia

    3. I'm not really sure bout that. Sorry :/

  16. If I am Hepatitis B surface antigen positive or HIV positive, am I eligible to get the scholarship? Thank you.

    1. One of the terms and regulations is the applicant must have a good health and doesn't have any illnesses such as Hepatitis, Aids, HIV, etc. You're welcome.

  17. Hi! For bursary students,we just have to click log masuk right? But how if I forgot the kata laluan?

    1. Yes, you can directly log into your account. I just updated this post in case if you forget the password. Hope it helps! :)

  18. hi! For the first step, we have to daftar first before we can log masuk for bursary students?

  19. Assalamualaikum Ardilla. :) I have a question regarding the documents needed to be sent to the JPA office. I am still waiting for my A Level results to be released next month(which means I do not have the actual result), and I only have conditional offer(not unconditional offer). Do I still have to submit them these documents, or wait for my results to be released? Thank you!

    1. Waalaikumussalam :)

      Sorry for the late reply. Just submit whatever you have first, tell them you haven't got your result and then once your result has been released, submit your result. You're welcome :)

  20. hi! May i ask if i haven't received the suar tawaran ke universiti, did i need to do the eprofiling first?

    1. You can fill in your details, but if I'm not mistaken there'll be a space for you to fill in the university name. I'm not really sure how's the procedure nowadays. I'm so sorry.

  21. Is this sponsorship or scholarship ?whts the diff between both? I dunno the latest update abt the sponsorship for the student lepasan bursary .tq

    1. They both have the same meaning. But usually scholarship is for education, while sponsorship is used for company and business stuff. But, yes they can be used interchangeably. Correct me if I'm wrong :)

  22. HI, can I know whether I can apply for it after completing STPM if I wasn't a scholarship recipient for SPM?

    1. Hi Cindy. Previously can, but nowadays I'm not really sure bcs they just changed some rules and regulations. You have to ask JPA about this matter. Sorry.

  23. Hi Ardilla. Wanna ask whether do we need to send each semester result to JPA for every sem?

    1. Hi. I didn't send because if I'm not mistaken my university (IMU) sends on behalf of us for every semester. Besides, I never get any email from JPA telling me to send my result, so I assume they already have it.

  24. Hello. Wanna ask whether do we need to send copy of each semester result slip to jpa bursary for every semester?

    1. Hi. If for JPA (current), I never send. But, for bursary during my pre-university, yup, I sent my result for every semester.

  25. information info you have there dear

  26. Hi. May I know, after we have completed all the processes of applying this scholarship (have submitted all documents, and even have received the monthly allowence), how do we claim the registration fee? Do we have to deal with our uni or the jpa itself? Bcs my senior who received bursary told us that we have to claim the fee from the uni but the officer in ny uni told me that I have to deal with JPA by myself regarding the fee. But during the documents submission with jpa that day, they didnt say anything abt having to contact them back to settle abt the fee. Anyway i am a pre uni student. Thank you in advance for your response.

    1. I'm so sorry but I really can't remember. But, as far as I know I've never dealt with JPA for any claim. Usually I'll just dealt with INTI people and they'd deal with JPA.

  27. Hi, thank you for such an informative post. I am a bursary student. Most of my friends got the JPA scholarship already because they applied to private uni. I am waiting for replies from local public unis and it is taking too long. I am really worried that there is a limit in the Program Penajaan Bursary and by the time I apply, it will be too late. Do you have any advise? Can I still submit application for JPA without an offer letter?

    1. Nope I don't think there'll be any limit because you're already entitled for it. By right, you should have the offer letter. But I'm not really sure if you can apply it without the letter. Sorry!


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