Power of Moods

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Accepted Accomplished Aggravated Alone Amused Angry Annoyed Anxious Apathetic Ashamed Awake Bewildered Bitchy Bittersweet Blah Blank Blissful Bored Bouncy Calm Cheerful Chipper Cold Complacent Confused Content Cranky Crappy Crazy Crushed Curious Cynical Dark Depressed Determined Devious Dirty Disappointed Discontent Ditzy Dorky Drained Drunk Ecstatic Energetic Enraged Enthralled Envious Exanimate Excited Exhausted Flirty Frustrated Full Geeky Giddy Giggly Gloomy Good Grateful Groggy Grumpy Guilty Happy High Hopeful Hot Hungry Hyper Impressed Indescribable Indifferent Infuriated Irate Irritated Jealous Jubilant Lazy Lethargic Listless Lonely Loved Mad Melancholy Mellow Mischievous Moody Morose Naughty Nerdy Not Specified Numb Okay Optimistic Peaceful Pessimistic Pissed off Pleased Predatory Quixotic Recumbent Refreshed Rejected Rejuvenated Relaxed Relieved Restless Rushed Sad Satisfied Shocked Sick Silly Sleepy Smart Stressed Surprised Sympathetic Thankful Tired Touched Uncomfortable Weird

No no you don't have to read all of them.
I'm just giving you some examples of mood.
Why did I bring up this topic tonight?

Some of us may not know the power of moods.
Sometimes we are unaware and oblivious of their potentials, ignoring their capabilities in our daily life.
I never thought about this deeply before until today.

Yesterday was kinda hectic.
It was the last day of Eid ul-fitr holiday before everyone goes back to their routines.
We had to send my brother and sister back to their school and university respectively.
Tho I didn't have to drive I still had to be in the car and of course the long journey as well.
You may say Malacca-Selangor isn't too far but well with the traffic jam and loads of cars.. it was far!

On our way back home, I fell asleep.
When Ibu and Ayah tried waking me up, I was quite moody.
I sulked and refused to follow Ibu and Ayah to the surau at first bcs it was quite far from the car and a bit smaller (sesak if ramai orang) compared to the other one.
Then I thought nak tak nak I have to follow, yelah takkan nak tinggal solat pula.
So I just followed them.
With a long face.

Ibu opened the surau door and switched on the lights.
Ya Allah seriously we were very shocked to see there's a lady who was sleeping at the corner.
Yelah mana tak terkejut bcs at first we thought there's no one in the surau haha.
Then we entered the surau *still moody*.

Ibu as usual, nampak orang je mesti tegur, lebih lebih lagi if takde orang lain haha.
So ibu greeted her and she replied kindly.
After solat, while wearing back my shawl and putting pins here and there, I couldn't help overhearing their conversation.
The lady asked Ibu how old I am and Ibu told her I'm 20.
I looked at them.
Ibu and that lady smiled at me and automatically I smiled back at them.
Suddenly *wooshhh* all bad mood and moody feeling went away.
Terus tak bad mood dah and no more long face.

At night someone made me mad.
The bad mood came back~
(Tak penat ke asyik moody je harini? Haha)
But luckily that person (C) didn't scold me and leave me hanging just like that.
C did something and with C's happy mood and positive aura, everything went back to normal.
See? The power of moods.

Lifting your spirits can be a potent medicine.
You have choices, either to be happy or sad or down, etc.
Fyi, you'll do much better in anything, even when you feel down or angry, if you maintain good moods!
And don't forget to maintain good actions (ex: care for others like you'd never been hurt).
Why is that so?
Because actions reshape how the human brain functions, so emotions will line up and follow them.
Rather than blaming poor moods on life, people, lack of time, or desire for perfection, why don't you consider how to upgrade moods and be positive everyday?

Till here. Assalamualaikum and have a good mood today!


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