Perdana University (PU-RCSI) Interview

Hey guys. Today I went to Perdana University for PU-RCSI interview. My father drove all way long from Malacca to Selangor and we started our journey as early as 7am (the registration should be at 10am actually haha) bcs I was afraid we might stuck in traffic jam or couldn't manage to find that place. And guess what, we arrived at 8.30am. One and half an hour earlier! 

We still have to wait until 10am (tick tock tick tock, time flew ver.... ry...... slow....) and by 10am five of us who came for the interview were escorted by a young lady to the university library (but I'm not sure whether it's a 'real' library for students or not). We had to answer 60 objectives questions on simple english for 30 minutes. The questions were simple, so no need to be scared of this part. 

Then we had to wait for another few minutes before being called for the face-to-face interview. There were 2 rooms and the interviewer would call our names for the interview session. So I just sat outside of the rooms (in the mini library) with the other interviewees. I made new friends. All of them were veryyy friendly! I was the fourth person (out of 5) to be called. I was interviewed by 2 persons, a man and a woman. I believe both of the doctors are also lecturers in the Perdana University. 

So here are some questions that I still can recall back; 

1.  Tell me about yourself and your family.
2.  Why do you choose Medicine? 
3.  What are you strengths and weaknesses?
4.  What are the curricular activities that you have joined?
5.  Are they any differences between doctors and nurses?
6.  Do you have any questions?

Then I was given 3 questions on situations aka ethical questions which were;

1.  You have a friend who asks you to sign for her attendance as the lecture is very important. She may have to repeat the whole year if she doesn't attend it. What will you do? Will you sign it for her?
2.  There is a 16-year-old girl comes to you and says that she wants to do an abortion. What will you do?
3.  You and your colleague are asked by a doctor to give an injection to a patient. Your friend takes the medication with a syringe and passes it to you. Halfway when you're injecting the patient, your friend tells you that the medication in the syringe is wrong. What will you do?

Oh btw, these are some informations about PU-RCSI that I know. Just in case you need them hehe. PU-RCSI is a collaboration between Perdana University and Royal College of Surgeon of Ireland which was started on year 2011. It provides 5 years medical degree programme (local). It comprises of 3 cycles which are Junior Cycle (JC), Intermediate Cycle (IC) and Senior Cycle (SC). For JC and IC there are 3 semesters respectively. And another 2 years are the Senior Cycle. And during SC, you will get the chance to follow a junior medical doctor which helps you for your internship upon graduation.

One of the special thing about this university is students graduated will be awarded with 2 degrees which are the; 
1. medical degree of National University of Ireland, Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery and Bachelor of Arts in Obstetrics (Mb Bch BAo) and
2. the historical Licentiates of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland and Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland (LCRP & S (I)) 

That's all I guess. Better off now. Assalamualaikum. 


  1. Can I ask why you chose IMU over perdana?

    1. Yeah, sure. Perdana was kinda new 2 years back then, while IMU is already known to be one of the best medical schools in Malaysia. IMU is my dream (local) medical school and its location is more reachable as it's near the LRT station. Plus, it's more convenient and easy for me to go back to my hometown hehe

    2. IMU stundent ramai juga kat kluang

  2. Hi just wondering did you take the locol programme in IMU or twinning programme?

  3. Hi just wondering if you went for 5 years local programme in IMU or the twinning programme?

  4. Hi,I have an skype online interview,can you give me some heads up and what type of questions may be asked? thanks

  5. Is that perdana university one of the best medical university?? Currently u study at IMU right? Did u get scholarship to study at IMU??

    1. I'm sorry, but I can't say which university is the best and which one is not as I myself only study in IMU, so I can't judge and compare it with other universities I've never been to :)

      Yup. I'm currently studying in IMU. I'm sponsored by JPA.

    2. Kat mana belajar itulah tempat terbaik.. Hehehe.. Tak kira le kat mana pun

  6. What did you answer for the syringe question? Just curious hehe.

    1. Haha I couldn't remember. But if I were to be asked now, I would most probably admit our mistake to the senior doctor, and if he asked who gave the medication, then I'll say the truth, telling him my friend gave me the syringe with the medication inside while I was the one who gave the injection.

      Haha but it is easy to say now, hard if we were in the real setting. Hope it would never happen though.

    2. Jawap salah pun tak pe.. Kalau dah tahu semua tak payah nak sambung belajar.. Hehehe

  7. Just curies, what do you answer for 'Are they any differences between doctors and nurses'?

    1. About the same, both help to treat patients, but there are some differences between them.

    2. Xda beza dua2 pun hatta tukang sapu sampah, semua jawatan saling memerlukan, yang beza di hadapan Allah adalah taqwa,,,, hehe

  8. Can you please describe the exam and studying system in IMU? Like what is the passing mark, semester period and etc?

    1. I had explained in a post about IMU. You can view it here;

  9. IMU hv an enterview ? Can calor blindess become a doctor ?

    1. IMU has interview. For your second question, I'm sorry but I'm not sure.


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